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Date Posted: 14:41:27 09/10/02 Tue
Author: Tenji
Subject: =|=

Tenji stands amidst the grass, her eyes fixed on the silvery moon. The wind cuts through the endless flow of gold, hissing in a low constant voice.
The Tokathe's heavy cloak rests upon her shoulders, spread over her back. Her chest visible, grey fur sticking out between the obviously-white bandages woven across. A smug look imprints her face, the wide grin perchance indicating a big ego. With out much hint of movement her tail rises out of the grass like a viper awaiting to charge before swooping towards the ground and charges almost a full circle around her where it falls down, limp. The tall grey tilts her head slightly, watching the vegetation she had cut drift away in the midnight breeze. Whispering...

My honor... forever..

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