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Date Posted: 16:19:50 11/25/02 Mon
Author: Jeleta
Subject: Shopping

A girl lands lightly in the doorway. She folds blue hawk wings against her back and enters, flexing long white claws.
She pulls back her hood to reveal a dark face and straight brown hair falling over her shoulders. Two large white fangs protrude from either side of her mouth and she is covered blue fur. A sharp fin runs down her back through a torn tunic. Her belt pouch is bulging with small round objects. She walks over to the armor section and picks up two almost identical helms replacing each with a black pearl, the only difference was the stone imbedded in the middle of the forehead. They were magnificent pieces of craftsmenship. Each framed the face and the edges were decorated in beautifully engraved vae and kilven. One had a flawless emerald in a octagon shape, the other a flawless sapphire in an octagon shape. Both where a very light silver. The one with an emerald she placed on her head, the other she placed neatly in her sack. She than walked to the chain shirts. She chose two identical chain shirts with silver matching the helms and replaced them with large pearls. She took one and cut the links in a line on each side and down the middle so her wings and fin would fit and slipped into it and it was as light as a feather, the other she again stuck in her sack. She then ambled over to where the leggings were kept and chose two, again identical, with the same light silver her helm and chain shirt she replaced one with a small blue shell she dug out of her pouch and one with a small glowing rock. She slipped one on and slipped the other into her pack with now clinked as she moved. She then grabbed two pairs of gauntlets both the same silver to match her other armor which she replaced with her cloak and another pearl out of her collection. Again, in the middle of one pair were sapphires and the other was emeralds.The one with the sapphire was a normal pair but the one with the emeralds had holes at the end of each finger which her claws fit perfectly through. She, of course, the other in her still light bag. Next she grabbed two pairs of silver chain boots. This she replaced with two more pearls out of her many. One, again, had holes at the end where her claws slid easily into. She then went to the armory where she scrutinzed the swords. She picked up each one, checking the balance and the blade. As she picked up one her eyes lit up. Not only did it have perfect balance but it was beautiful beyond belief.She looked at it, awe crossing her face, it's blade was sharp enough to split a hair and the hilt was covered in beautiful silver metal strands making it very comfortable on her hand. There was also an emerald on the hilt. She gave it a few trial swings and replaced it and its beatiful sheath with 3 pearls. She clipped this two her belt. As she was leaving the armory section a set of 4 daggers mathcing her sword caught her eye. She grabbed these and replaced them with another 5 pearls. She put two in her belt, one in her right boot, and one in her right sleeve. She then strolled around the store and picked up 2 spy glasses and looked through both, out one in her sack and and the second in her belt. Lastly she grabbed a belt pouch and replaced it with a small white conch. She also picked up a whetstone and deposited it in her sack replacing it with yet another pearl. She walked to the doorway, the armor so light it was obviously not a burden. She then spread her wings and flew away.

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