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Date Posted: 23:25:43 04/18/03 Fri
Author: Flowen
Subject: corrections on the previous one

a cat-like stranger stumbles into the shop completely naked afer his clothes were torn up in a previous battle,his friends are used to him doing this anyways,hahahaha, and eventually finds a browm-green loincloth that only covers..well....you know, and gives the slightest coverage of his inner-thigh area, not mid-thigh area oor outter-thigh area, just inner. he puts it on, finding out that it's a little smaller that he thought it would be(however, it was the only piece of clothing in the store). then he replaces the loincloth with a single peral. right next to it is a necklace with beads of jade which are one and a quarter inch in diameter. he puts it on and puts down three perals where the necklace was. he then comes across a wad of fabaric that could be used as a bandage. he puts a peral in its place. he wraps it around his upper chest(were the wounds are)five inches below the collar bone twice around both if the areas between his neck an shoulder, but more towards his shoulder.

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