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Date Posted: 21:07:48 07/01/02 Mon
Author: Yajer
Subject: Just wandering along...

A white Tokathe wanders along, his steps almost mincing and his tail swinging jauntily behind him. He waves to the few people he knows, waves to those who toss him friendly looks, and makes his way down the winding streets. Someday, I'll walk through town and actually be headed somewhere, he muses to himself, giving a rather fiendish grin to any higher-ranking Tokathe that he sees, and that includes any pilots. Spotting a few younger Tokathe and a couple half-done Coinshifters, he muffles another impish grin and leans forward, making the switch into hunting stance effortlessly. With a low, savage snarl and absolute blankness in his bright blue eyes, he stalks a group of younglings, allowing a few strings of saliva to hang from his long fangs. The mixed group of Tokathe and Coinshifters stare at him and shuffle their feet nervously, a few backing up. Then, with an abrupt roar, Yajer springs forward with incredible speed (for a white, anyways - nothing to a grey) and to all appearances attacks, claws and blade and teeth blazing in unexplained fury. The younglings scatter in all directions, some with a panicky swipe at the Tokathe's white hide, and one even rips a small gash in Yajer's white clothing. But the little male stops, straightens back up, and grins devilishly. Well, that was fun. Wonder if anyone new is here... that I haven't scared off, that is. With a highly amused look, Yajer continues his jaunty stroll.

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