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Date Posted: 13:44:31 11/10/02 Sun
Author: Jeleta
Subject: Wow!

The young girl in a forest green cloak wanders among the crowd. A breeze blows her hood back and reveals brown hair falling loosely over her shoulders. Amused hazel eyes survey the scenery. She looks up to the top of the skyscapers, shielding her eyes from the sun. A look of awe crosses her face as she studies these monstrous buildings. She just manages to look down in time to avoid running into a large Tokathe. Looking around at all the sidewalk cafes she smells the delicate aromas drifting out the open doors of the warm kitchens. When passing a small cafe her stomach started to grumble. Realizing she was hungry she decided to stop to eat. She sat down ordered a appetizing meal being eaten by a coinshifter at a neighboring table. She watched the Takathe and coinshifters walk past the small cafe down the busy street. The elderly waiter brought her food for which she thanked him kindly. Taking a bite into the juicy meat a look of pure joy crosses her face. She finishes her lunch, savoring every bite. When she finished she thanked the waiter and went to explore the city some more.

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