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Date Posted: 17:20:20 11/06/02 Wed
Author: Rehvah...Kain
Subject: (;D...~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Jeleta 's message, "Re: (;D" on 17:25:29 11/05/02 Tue

The Tokathe's face falls as he sees the girl, much too young for him to flirt with. Still, she seems nice, so he settles upon the counter again and grins toothily. Flexing his longclaws idly, the white speaks in a similar fashion.

"Oh, yes, I write all my songs. Thank thee. What dost thou think I should play next? I've got a good romance ballad and some little tunes..."

The bard's voice lowers considerably, and he tosses a wary, light brown glance to the winged CoinShifter in a dark corner.

"...and one about mercenaries."

Kain inspects each of her claws carefully, gazing down at them. But her attention is elsewhere, huge gryphonic ears flicking to catch the sounds of the room. Tensing in awareness, the impossibly tall, impossibly dark entity listens to the harper's tunes. The steely little twist to her mouth could almost pass off for a smile. Of course, she heard his every word, no matter how he tried to hide them. Relaxing into a more fluid steel, ready to fly into action at the slightest sudden movement, the Shifter calmly sips at her drink.

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