Date Posted:11:09:26 02/16/03 Sun Author: Koshi Subject: Re: Lots of Vae are falling down.... In reply to:
UnNamed Vae
's message, "Lots of Vae are falling down...." on 10:31:52 02/16/03 Sun
A cloaked female walks up to the tree. She removes her hood to reveal an attractive face, and long brown hair in a tight braid. She spots the pretty vae, and her green eyes light up. She appraoches it slowly, digging in her belt for a piece of meat. She pulls it out and approaches the vae slowly talking softly. She offers it to the vae, who chirps curiously. She takes it, chewing it slowly, then jumping on the offered perch on the girls shoulder. "Let's call you...Lasani." she says, "Lasa." she says.