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Date Posted: 18:47:34 07/12/02 Fri
Author: (Mass post for ease)
Subject: Collecting flits

Several people appear with Kilven, or just walk by the huge tree. Almost immediately they are swamped by fire Lizards.

((I'm taking two from past characters that disappeared...I hope that's okay, but some of mine were waiting at clutches when it went down...I didn't know about the six rule until then. Please don't take them from me again))

J'red is surrounded by five flits - Gold Akiko, the Bronzes Nocturne and Intrada and the blue Vivo. Almost as an afterthought another small bronze appears, Kairu. They flit around him chirping and creeling excitedly.

K'shi gets mobbed by four glittering figures - Gold Kyrre, Blue Akiji, Blue Zelal and Blue Kyren. He laughs, stroking them as they alight on his arms and shoulders.

Michelle looks around, finally spotting her three appearing and flying towards her. Blue Zikal, Bronze Kirameki and Gold Ashikari all creel to her, hungry and upset.

R'kan asks Sokor to call his fire lizards. His three appear and circle him, trying to land on his shoulders. Brown Khadar, Brown Vern and Bronze Ruka are all ecstatic to see him.

Sierian has two fire lizards that she calls. They appear - the Bronze Kain and tiny Blue Tali.

Caressing the flits, all the people head back to where they were or hurry off to feed their fire lizards.

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