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Date Posted: 15:55:05 07/26/04 Mon
Author: Neko
Subject: Aww, and Anzu wasn't here to see it...
In reply to: UnNamed Vae 's message, "SOMETHING ^-~" on 21:41:02 07/25/04 Sun

Neko stares wide-eyed at the little Vae in her lap. "Wh... What?"
The Vae nudges Neko's hand, and a smile breaks out across the girl's face.
"You're beautiful!" Neko runs her fingers over the Vae's head. "This is... woah. I never thought I'd be the one to find a Vae!" She stares at the little female, fingers caressing the silver flanks. "What should I name you? Hmm..." She thinks for a moment. "How about... Ginryuu?
Ginryuu chirrups, ears perked forward, and Neko feels the first wave of emotion coming through the link-- curiosity and sweetness.
Neko grins. "Ginryuu it is, beauty. Would you like to ride on my shoulder?" Ginryuu tilts her head, flutters up to Neko's shoulder: Neko's grin spreads wider. "Hee! This is wonderful! You've got to meet my friend, Anzu, she'll love you, and almost everyone likes her." Chattering to the Vae, Neko prances around, collecting the packs and drenching the coals from her cooking fire.
A few minutes later, she looks around, sees she has everything, then runs off with Ginryuu on her shoulder.

(OOC: SQUEE! Vae Vae Vae! Cuteness! Must draw! *Gallops off to her scetch pad*)

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