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Date Posted: 14:54:37 07/15/02 Mon
Author: Emer::Falae, Gevsa
Subject: ...
In reply to: UnNamed Vae 's message, "Dropping!" on 14:30:00 07/15/02 Mon

The pale Coinshifter had lurked around the tree, gazing hopefully into the branches, praying that one of the Vae would oblige her and drop - allowing her to offer a perch along her arm. Falae was still sleeping, Emer wasn't sure if this was to absent her mind from Pern and Etreus, to adjust to Etreus, or to bring her closer to the closely hoarded memories of Pern. ~I could just be sleepy.~ Falae rebukes her silently, and Emer shrugs. Allow me some pleasures, dearling. I need to take my mind off...everything. Though, these new attributes are rather lovely, and I suppose I should be satisfied with adjusting with that... She runs a hand along the soft feathers of her underwing, smiling, suddenly distracted by the dropping of a magnificent female Vae close to her. She holds out one arm, hoping the femme will land. The Vae does so, and regards her with dark eyes. "Hullo. I'm Emer, what shall I call you? Hmm?" She tilts her head, allowing one lock of white hair to fall in her eyes, obscuring her vision of the multi-colored Vae. "How about Gevsa?" She smiles, liking the sound, and nods. "That's it. Let's go find Falae, my drag - my Kilven." She strokes the brilliant head and starts walking, finding with some surprise that her body is adjusting rather well to these changes.

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