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Date Posted: 20:03:35 07/09/02 Tue
Author: Kain-Raidae [Leviathan]
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+

[Cruddy post, yeah. No need to read it, just Kain getting four of her five Flits back.]

The dark CoinShifter pats the Kilven's forestblack shoulder reassuringly. Raid gives a soft rumble and peers about, the irises in her shady eyes swirling into anxious-worried hues of gray and yellow. Kain sets her jaw, ready to face the facts. She didn't feel all five of her flits. One was missing. Her strange paws clench the short fur of the green, who sets herself down beside the magnificant Vae Tree. The woman hops off, gazing around with a dark eye. Her mind purges out, idly reaching tendrils into the branches, groping around for those brave flits who followed her from the Lost Planet. And suddenly, she grasps the first's mind. Happiness, something very rarely felt by such a grizzled rider, flood into her at reaching her very first firelizard, a huge blue known as Leviathan. Mutants really -do- gotta stick together, neh? Silver scales dance the form of the regal, midnight-blue reptilian. His agile body snakes through the air and he lands, with a loud trill, in Kain's arms. Levi clickpurrs wildly at Raidae, now noticing her, as well. The blue's eyes brim wild green with joy. Yet the CoinShifter taps his muzzle to calm him. She forms a picture of the others; supermutant bronze Gnome, darker-than-Raid green Lunima, arrogant and goldhued Darkiy, placid yet loving brown Jallion. Leviathan gives a shrieking keen, causing Kain to wince softly. A golden head pokes from the utmost branches, a couple silvery bits on it as well, followed by an earthy brown, swarthed in dull grays of age. A dark little head is last, darker even than Raidae, barely takeable as green. All three push off and hover down to their Linkmate. Kain strokes each one, yet sends another picture of Gnome. A firm sense of no is her reply. Oh well. The grizzled old warrior had long sicne accustomed to pain. The CoinShifting woman slips up onto the shoulders of her massive Kilven companion, and her Flits arrange themselves on her shoulders. Raidae gives a regal bugle and takes off again, flying across the horizon.

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