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Date Posted: 00:13:24 08/23/02 Fri
Author: Channa and Wrelor :: Igen :: Seye and Jingle
Subject: Snatch!

The slender girl enters, grinning brightly. "SEYE! JINGLE!" she yells, in a surprisingly loud voice, and pauses. Eccentric chirping erupts as a young bronze flit swarms around her head, wildly-flapping wings stirring her short black hair in a tornado style. "Calm down Jingle," she murmurs quietly, offering the bronze a perch on her forearm. Just as she does, a larger and just as excited brown swoops down, crooning and giving one hiss to Jingle before landing on Channa's left shoulder, talons digging into the prepared padding and wedge-shaped head preening against her pale-skinned cheek. "Seye! I was wondering why you let Jingle appear first," the human laughs lightly, stroking both her flits as she turns to her Kilven. "C'mon, Wrelor, let's scram." Indeed. It's very nice to see them again, you know. "Ohh, I know, I know. My beauties." Giving a sniff for momentary nostalgia, Channa swings up on her red and clings with legs only as he launches himself into the sky and towards the Central Field.

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