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Date Posted: 16:01:11 02/22/03 Sat
Author: Shalea
Subject: Shalea's Record

Name: Shalea
Coin Used: Winged Lion
Characteristics Taken: Wings, fur, legs/paws, claws, fangs, ears, sense of smell, tail, eyes
Current Description of Self: Basic human shape, Shalea is covered with short dark fur. She has a lion's haunches and long calves ending in deadly paws with retractable claws. Her back is bent due to her haunches, and she crawls rather than walks. It still possible to walk upright, but difficult balance-wise. Her face is much the same. Lantern orbs have replaced her sun-dependant eyes, and tuft ears have grown where human's ears were. Her senses of smell and hearing have been greatly updated, although her eyes in sunlight are now weak. Most obvious in this shift are the two great wings that fold against her back. They resemble a hawk's, but wider and longer. At least five feet, they almost out-grow the length of Shalea's body. A smaller change is the tufted tail sprouting from her lower back. The final changes are in her hands and mouth, where nails have sharpened to deadly claws and canines have sharpened to fangs. From her human shape, she still has her bald head and strong arms. Head shape has not changed, although the features upon it have. Her brown color has remained.

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