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Date Posted: 12:09:20 11/03/03 Mon
Author: Fern
Subject: Second Continue of Fern's Record
In reply to: Fern 's message, "First Continue of Fern's Record" on 01:40:56 11/03/02 Sun

Name: Fern
Coin Used: Dimorphodon
Characteristics Taken: Facial structure, jaw setup, balancing tail, and wings
Current Description of Self: Humanoid in main body, Fern walks on two legs and has two visable arms. The other two are retractable with powerful suction cups on the ends, usually pulled into her stomach and marked by slits in her sides. A bushel of light purple spikes protrude from her back, deadly stakes to those unfortunate enough to run into her from behind. Under these spines are hard "plates" that are tough enough to protect her spine from gunfire and blades. A pair of see-through wings, knat like with two wings overlapping each other, are white-veined in intricate patterns. Her rib-cage is a bit longer than ussual to house lungs that can hold twice as much air as a normal humans. Two black, fuzzy, antenae strech out from her red-brown hair, hanging over her muzzle. Her face is bulged out in a toucan-like beak but with no front overhang and no hard casing. The beak is fleshy, but in a rubbery way. Fern's front teeth remain sharp and deadly, while her back set of teeth are shorter and better for shredding. Her final shift is the stiff tail sprouting from her lower back, a diamond shaped piece of skin on the end. This tail is very valuable for balancing the weight of her head and can be used for accurate steering when in flight. Out of the bottom of her arms, two leathery pieces of skin have grown and attached themselves to the bottom of her ribcage: a second pair of wings, this one for hovering and riding wind currents for short distances. Fern's arms are not strong enough to support herself for miles.

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