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Date Posted: 17:14:26 09/12/04 Sun
Author: Phamiile
Subject: Continuing the spastic Shifting of Phamiile, Part VII.
In reply to: Phamiile 's message, "Continuing the spastic Shifting of Phamiile, Part VI." on 19:48:13 09/10/04 Fri

I think I have this right. X_X! The manta ray coin was August's and this coin is September's. Note to self: Uesletexuevhieiirh sleueishin iss.. eiihrrrr.. ahr yeiiss, texhreii /hrarheii/ sleueishin. Texakeiishin eiiarhss, ashinkyr jhuolitvhixishinjhe avhiellitexy. Litayvhieii ssueliteiitexhrishinjhe eiiellsseii iph I sleashin texhrishink ueph uetexhreiirh ueshineiiss.. eiitexsle. Shinuevheeiilitvhieiirh sleueishin iss uoihraelleii, texakishinjhe ssueshinjhe ashinkyr, vhixueuoieiirh ishin texaiell.

On to the coin. >P

Name- Phamiile
Coin Used- Allosaurus
Traits- Muscular back leg power, claws, tail, and a tinge of personality
Desc- Though the power of his tail is good for swimming, it now becomes deadlier than ever. It's a lot longer and heavier. His equine back legs are bulked up and the closen hooves have sharper tips, in addition to being much bigger than the forehooves now. His human hands no longer have the blunt yet powerful tiger claws, but are a blend of that, allosaurus, and.. chipmunk.. <<;. Now Phamiile has a bad trait in his personality where if you push his very long temper to the snapping point, he'll go NUTS. Quite literally. He'll get /really/ mad and.. kill things wildly. :3

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