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The Magic Shop
You enter a small looking hut along the outskirts of town. It may have looked small on the outside but on the inside it seemed as if it spanned for miles! Almost as soon as you come in the door a tall lean figure is in front of you.
"What can I do you for?" he asks. You tell him what you are looking for and he studies you quizically.

Alright folks. Listen up! If you want a magical item you come in here. The shopkeeper Cimorar will look back through all of the boards to see if you deserve the item and if you do he will give it to you and if you don't he will send you packing. You can't just browse through the shop. That is forbidden and you will be banned from this board if you do. Also, you don't have to be a magician or wizard or witch to ask for magical items, you can be a normal citizen as well.
The Plains at Dragon's Peak

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