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Date Posted: 03:33:05 09/07/16 Wed
Author: WIDA
Subject: An Invitation

Did you do Irish dancing as a child and miss it? Are you interested in getting involved again at some level?
WIDA would like to take this opportunity to invite you to consider becoming either a dancer or teacher with our organisation. If you look at our website at www.irish.dance and read the rules regarding competitions you will see that we cater to adult dancers as well as children. We have World Championships up to the age groups of under and over 40.
Many people leave the world of Irish dancing at 18 to go to college, have a career and family and then realise they miss the dancing but feel too old to attempt to become involved except maybe as a mother or father of a dancer.
WIDA offers all people in this position the opportunity to train to become qualified Irish dance teachers in manageable segments as we give you the option to do your exam in sections. If you look at www.irish.dance and see what is required for the teacher exams you will see that you can attempt both the TCRG and TMRF exams in parts. You can do as many or as few of the parts as you feel ready for at the time of the exam and we can help you learn what is required for each section as you prepare.
If you are not sure about the dancing section as are many people whom have been out of the dancing for a few years we would like to make it clear that your communication skills are more important than your ability to jump up and down like a 14 year old. Yes, we want to see that you know you stuff but we also want to see that you can actually teach as the ability to pass on both your knowledge and passion are equally important.
If you have any questions or are unsure about the process do not hesitate to contact us at www.irish.dance and we look forward to welcoming you to the WIDA family either as a dancer or teacher.

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