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Date Posted: 21:22:33 10/20/01 Sat
Author: Alan Needham ('67)
Subject: We must keep this site

Over the last three years or so, I have followed Ron's efforts to establish and maintain a viable website for Old Boys. My support of Ron's efforts has had more than a hint of self-interest behind it because I am now rarely able to travel to Sydney and never able to attend OBU functions, so I've come to rely on Ron's sterling work in keeping me in touch with the College and with other Old Boys. "The Lion" and "Lang Syne" are also useful in this regard, but in my view do not have the enjoyable informality or the immediacy of a good website.

I have been somewhat perplexed by the tardiness (or reluctance?) of Old Boys in supporting Ron's great work, but there seems to be a slow but steady increase in email registrants. The new "Old Boy's" web page on the TSC site is a puzzling development. It currently has very little content and apparently has been set up without consultation with Ron, even though there is a link to Ron's site from the TSC site (which, by itself, constitutes at least de facto recognition).

What to make of it? I hope that it's simply an unintentional error and will be followed quickly by an apologetic phone call to Ron. If this site closes down through lack of support from the College or the OBU we will all be the losers, more particularly because we will lose a very dedicated, selfless and talented webmaster.

Let's give him our full support.


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