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Date Posted: 14:46:12 10/21/01 Sun
Author: Tell em to get stuffed
Subject: Re: tscobu.com
In reply to: Dave Wheaton 's message, "tscobu.com" on 00:37:51 10/21/01 Sun

I personally think it is a disgrace that without consultation the OBU and the School could set up a website for Old Boys, when it is clear time and effort has already been spent. Can't they acknowledge the fact that someone has shown the initiative (well before they did) and has put in a significant time and effort to achieve the one aim of keeping Old Boys more informed.

Ron - you should be greatly satisfied in what you have achieved, even if it is unappreciated by those morons at Victoria Road. It is a shame, as Scots was a school I had great affection for whilst attending. I am a son of an Old Boy of Grammar and unfortunately I don't think my sons will be attending Scots....from where I am sitting the School seems to be a sitting duck!

Please do not lose heart over this.

PS I noticed that Reg Cook's details as webmaster or the like is detailed on the new site - can't he pick up the phone???????

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