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Date Posted: 19:24:43 10/21/01 Sun
Author: read this
Subject: What is happening to this world

What is this world coming too with Lawyers dominating the way ?

What a shame there seems to be...... a steamroller of legal threat to crush a unique older generation of enthusiasm... isn't their a way of common good and evolving relationships..... isn't their a way to resolve issues...

I felt violated and sickened by an email signed by Lawyers over this issue.
And choose to remove myself from association with this type of attitude that brings only memories of Sergant Murray Belting me because of a Lying Prefect attaining sadistic satisfaction and personal sexual gratification...

Your school was very sick and still is sick..

My children have found a better life at Grammar.

I would not send them to a similar fate as mine.

I am offended with your reply and don't want any part in it.

Remove me from your email please Gavin Solomon

thank you Mike Middleton

>From: Gavin Solomon
>To: "'oncamera@bigpond.com'" , "'dwheaton@bigpond.net.au'" , "'Buddy_007_au@yahoo.com'" , "'a.needham@ecu.edu.au'" , "'webadmin@tscobu.com'"
>Subject: Scots old boys website
>Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:02 PM

> As chairman of the Scots Foundation, as a 2nd generation old boy (1972) and
> as a current parent I wish to confirm to you what Ron Dale has suggested on
> the old boys website is untrue and misleading.
> The College Council with the support and work of the Foundation has just
> last Thursday gone live with a new website which incorporates all facets of
> the College Family including support groups, womens association, foundation,
> council and old boys. This move has been planned for over 6 months and is an
> asset and facility for the entire Scots family on a uniformed and united
> basis.
> The fact of the matter is that the current regime of the old boys union
> have:
> 1. been told of this new website proposal for over 6 months.
> 2. had the website previously presented to its President both
> informally and formally.
> 3. held discussions with the old boys nominated webmaster - Reg Cook.
> 4. been directed by College Council to work with the Scots Family to
> ensure only 1 common website for the entire Scots Family
> 5. been aware of the massive task that we have just completed in
> getting the entire Roll Call for every old boy of the College since 1893
> - a task that the old boys union have ignored - the College now has the
> names of 15,454 old boys whereas the old boys union previously only
> had addresses for some 5,800 old boys.
> 6. The Roll Call includes the task of getting the addresses and email
> addresses for every old boy - a task that will take us some time.
> 7. decided for their own selfish and unknown reasons not to use the
> part of the new website specifically created for old boys which site
> is fully integrated with the entire Scots College website.
> BOTTOM LINE - the current old boys have ignored the College's current
> initiatives for their own reasons (which I, for one, cannot comprehend). The
> Old boys have ignored the opportunity to use the new part of the website
> created specifically for the old boys. Yes, a lot of work was done in the
> past in building the old boys original website and this in my view (and that
> of Council etc) should be integrated into ONE common website for the
> College.
> I humbly request that you each focus all your efforts to impress upon the
> current regime of the Old Boys Union the asset and facilities that have been
> placed before the Old Boys Union.
> Remember, we all have the same desire - to help the College and the current
> students as well as build on the glories of the past - and the friendship
> and support of all Old Boys.
> Regards
> H Gavin Solomon
> T (02) 9931 4761
> F (02) 9931 4888
> M 0412 978 777
> E hgsolomon@nsw.gadens.com.au
> Visit our web site at www.gadens.com.au
> Disclaimer:
> This message contains privileged and confidential information. If you are
> not the intended recipient you must not disseminate, copy or take any action
> in reliance on it, and we request that you notify Gadens Lawyers
> immediately. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
> sender, except where they are specifically stated to be the views of Gadens
> Lawyers.
> This email and its contents are also subject to copyright. No part of it
> should be reproduced, adapted or transmitted without the written consent of
> the copyright owner.

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