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Date Posted: 10:57:28 06/08/19 Sat
Author: Philbond007
Subject: Economic activity in your area

Every so often, for years, I've posted my thoughts about the economic activity I SEE in the greater Detroit Metro area. In my opinion, all the jabber jaw stats are meaningless to a decent degree, when all you gotta do is drive around & see what's going on. It also helps that I'm in the "FAST FOOD" business, but even so, you could still figure out what's going on just by driving around & taking mental notes.

Here's Phil's economic activity report for the Greater Detroit Metro area:

Less than what you'd ordinarily see during this time of year for folks looking to sell their house & move into something else. I see this a sign of STRENGTH, cause when I see TOO MANY homes for sale, that means they CAN NOT afford payments. Some folks see it the opposite, & try to complicate things, but bottom line for me, if you see lotsa homes for sale, it typically means something's outta wack & likely NOT positive.


Nothing outta the ordinary, plenty of new construction for folks looking to buy a new home.


City I live in is about 1.5hrs north of the Detroit border, with a population of around 3,500 people. There's now hiring signs all over the place, restaurants, landscaping, gas stations, retail, etc..., whatever you'd normally find in a small city. However, our businesses are anywhere from 15min to 50min north of the Detroit border, & labor is TIGHT there too. Lotsa now hiring signs for the same stuff mentioned above, including small manufacturing plants, & some larger ones too. As for the professional side, here's my take.

All those small to mid size businesses, retail, etc..., mentioned above wouldn't be hiring if business wasn't doing well. Our bistro's average ticket isn't cheap, & the area it's in has lots & lots, I mean lots of competition, & they're all packed when they should be. This means the professional folks are doing well, cause when higher end restaurants are busy & can't find labor, that means deeper pocket folks have plenty of cash to spend. Moreover, lots of middle income folks go thru our Timmy's Drive Thru, like teachers, construction folks, whatever. Putting all this together means the labor market is doing exactly what I said earlier, IT'S TIGHT.


WAGES: State minimum wage is $9.45/hr, but most low end jobs are starting folks at $10/hr-$11/hr, like McDonalds. How do I know? Cause it's on their signs. When labor's tight, there's UPWARD wage pressure, & I can tell you for certain that its a challenge keeping the labor we already have, let alone finding folks that actually wanna work for that wage. Our labor cost has GONE UP in the last couple years, cause the CORPORATION is behind the curve on increasing food prices to keep customers coming in. I suspect it's the same w/our competition, so the small business owners are seeing a reduction in net profit. Even so, for now, it's not a problem.


Considering all the above, I'd have to guess the FED WILL NOT LOWER rates anytime soon, cause that's only gonna cause the LABOR MARKET TO FURTHER TIGHTEN, & it's already strained, in this area anyway. On the flipside, the FED has room to RAISE rates a little, but NOT YET, cause there's no sense in screwing w/the housing market, or purchase of big ticket items.

Best as I can tell PRESIDENT TRUMP is doing a FANTASTIC JOB, unfortunately, it's the States run by Democrats(Socialists) who keep taking from small business. Michigan now has a sick leave law, whereby an employee earns 1hr paid sick leave for every 35hrs worked, at a maximum of 40hrs earned per year. This cost our 9 Timmy's about $90k/yr, cause we have over 50 employees. It never ends, Democratic Socialists only know how to STEAL from folks. Obamacare is likely one of the worst examples, where insurance rates went thru the roof & then you get FINED if you can't afford it.


We can see the North Korean theatre is much better, the Afghan theatre is better, the Syrian theatre is better, etc... If you don't like this, you're a BLOOD THIRSTY WAR PIG, & if you do, the credit goes to this administration.

What about those feckin illegals coming in? This is the only administration that's actually doing something about it. The feckin socialists are fighting tooth & nail to keep the illegals coming in, cause you can't have enough criminals, drug smuggling, human trafficking & illegal votes for the socialists.

What about the trade agreements that FECKED the good ole USA? Only this administrations done something about it.

What about the tariff's? I'm sure you'll find plenty socialist commie's, better known as pencil neck geek professionals, who'll give you explanations about why it's BAD for the economy. This typically comes from academics, which is a fancy word for GAS BAGS w/degrees. If Tariffs prevent some jobs from leaving, cool, if it lets some jobs come back, cool, if it costs the consumer a little more for that, no biggy, but most important, it'll FECK THE COMMIE's outta PROFITs! With the labor market this tight, it ain't like there's a pressing need for more jobs. Where's the downside? There is none, as long as you kiss'em a little before you feck'em. If you're gonna argue why Tariff's are bad, it stands to reason that you'd have to PROVE why letting thousands of manufacturing businesses, & hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs LEAVING THE USA is GOOD?

Meanwhile, its encouraging to witness the establishment CRIMINALS squirm, those folks who are ABOVE THE LAW, that commit crime after crime w/impunity & get away w/it. This is the only administration in my lifetime that's actually addressing this TWO TIER justice system, one for the common folk, & one for establishment criminals. We waited for the Mueller report, it came up w/nothing, & that's w/a criminal & his criminal lackey's doing the investigating. Considering how the socialist democrats & the bought off propaganda media are harassing the President, I can only conclude the SWAMP IS WAY BIGGER THAN WHAT I ORIGINALLY IMAGINED.

To me, this is simple, after all we've witnessed in the last couple years, by now, if you're against this administration, then you're a criminal, maybe a foreign agent, definitely against the US Constitution, & without a doubt, a socialist commie wack-job.

My recommendation to all those who are against this administration:


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