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Date Posted: 07:23:35 06/22/17 Thu
Author: mom of OC
Subject: First off, congratulations! Your dancer should be proud to reach a level that relatively few dancers get to. While of course you should listen to what your TC says in terms of what to do in PC, and not knowing what you already know, here are some pointers:
In reply to: Seeking wisdom 's message, "New to PC" on 18:58:23 06/21/17 Wed

The biggest difference moving to PC is the fact that you no longer do all 4 dances but only the two for your age group that year. So, you need to check which two (hardshoe and soft) are for your age group and that's what you sign up for at a feis. At the feis, you no longer move around to do your dances but stay on one stage with the same judges to do your two rounds. Generally it's hardshoe first but this is at the discretion of the feis organizers so you have to doublecheck the syllabus. The organizers or the feis tabulation company they hire will randomize your position for dancing - so one feis you might be in the first rotation, next feis the last, or anything in between. Depending on the feis and age group, the dancers might dance two or three at a time. When it's time to dance you line up in the rotation order you were given at checkin, and then it's wait till your turn, go onstage 2 or 3 at a time, and dance. When you come off, it's a quick change of shoes to line up and do the other dance - again, in the same rotation. Once the whole competition is done, you wait for awards, which aren't posted on the wall but are announced , hopefully with a podium (this is the exciting part). Sometimes medals for each round are givem so you might win a medal for a round but not place overall.
Wisdom from a mom whose dd spent 3 1/2 years struggling in PC? Take it easy! Don't worry about placing or not placing - when you're new, it's perfectly common to not place for a while and that's ok. Focus on getting used to it and doing your best, and learning from those around you. Everyone steps up their game in PC, trying to get to Opens, and that also means making sure you look good. No one needs a fancy dress or anything, but if you wear a wig make sure it's in great shape and it's pinned on properly and well so you don't have worries about a loose wig. Age-appropriate makeup too, nothing crazy and certainly not needed for the young ones. Everything about PC becomes about the little refinements that make a champion - sharp steps, great turnout and cross, carriage, timing and rhythm, and IMO stamina is the biggest difference. Watch the girls who are on their way to Opens - they'll be doing these things really well and have the strength to execute them. Lastly and most importantly, in my opinion: enjoy PC. There are two types of people who end up in PC. Some are super competitive and won't offer help or friendship because they think winning means you can't be friendly. Others get that friendships can be forged that last for years here, and help each other, be it going through which way they will go when they get onstage to avoid collisions, sharing electrical tape, checking on someone who's fallen, cheering on placers even if they didn't place at all. My dd is in Opens now and made so many friends in PC. It was a great time in her career even though she struggled for so long. And because she was the friendly type coming up, others were so happy to see her finally succeed and move to Opens. Best of luck to you and your dancer!!

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