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Subject: Re: Mother in exam room

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Date Posted: 10:33:51 03/08/19 Fri
In reply to: Amy 's message, "Re: Mother in exam room" on 15:01:31 03/07/19 Thu

>Hello I am Amy and the mother of two, A son 12 and a
>daughter 14. I still attend both of my kids exams,
>Just like everyone else i want to know how my children
>are growing, I have even suggested that my husband be
>present at a few.since we spank them naked why not be
>there in the room with them during their Medical exam..

Hi Amy. Of course, the father is entitled to attend the medical examinations of his children just as much as their mother. Pretty single fathers raise their children of both sexes alone and it is natural to attend their medical examinations as well. But in families with two parents, however, this role is usually performed by the mother, and she is the one who is better acquainted with their health, hygiene habits and physical development by tracking this processus in detail from birth to their current age. She had bathed, dressed and cured them in an illness where she had often see their bodies and genitals exposed. It is therefore more acceptable for this established practice to continue even after entering puberty when children are more sensitive and more shy about their bodies. Here the question is not whether the father has the right to attend the intimate medical examinations of his sons and daughters, but whether his presence will be more appropriate than that of the mother. I think not, basing on the above arguments.

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What about sisters??captain ajay02:58:42 03/28/19 Thu

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