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Subject: Phony Baloney!

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Date Posted: 09:41:31 10/17/16 Mon
In reply to: Cuthbert 's message, "Re: Addicted To Spanking" on 13:16:54 10/15/16 Sat

>Right Cuthbert, lets take your little cub shorts down.
> Put your hands on your head. But mummy not in front
>of your friends. Do not be impertinent Cuthbert. My
>microscopic grey shorts were removed revealing the
>girls panties that mummy liked me to wear. I had to
>walk past my mothers friends and fold my shorts neatly
>and put them on a table. The guests patted me on the
>bottom as I past telling me that I was going to have a
>very hot bottom. Mummy then said right hands on head.
> She then pulled my panties down to reveal my bare
>bottom in all its glory.
>Mummy then told me to get over her lap as she sat on a
>high backed chair. I had to touch the floor with my
>hands raising my bottom to a perfect angle. Mummy
>then rubbed and kneaded my buttocks for a while as she
>lectured me on my naughtiness. She then started to
>spank my bottom with her hand not stopping until I was
>writhing and fidgeting with discomfort. Mummy then
>stopped and asked one of her friends to hold my legs
>still and apart. Mummy then strapped my bottom
>including my sensitive sit spot. Though I was 16 I
>was in floods of tears. Mummy again massaged and
>kneaded my buttocks tracing her fingers over my very
>sore bottom.
>I was then completely undressed so quite naked I had
>to serve coffee and tea to my mothers friends. I was
>kept naked for the rest of the day before being told
>to dress but put on my tiny shortalls. This happened
>when I was 16.

You're not the real Cuthbert. You're a horrible, horrible liar. Everything you say is lies, all lies. A complete fabrication. I've got the evidence to prove you're a total fraud, and I'll be revealing it at the appropriate time.

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Re: Phony Baloney!Cuthbert10:55:04 10/17/16 Mon

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