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Date Posted: 11:00:08 04/23/01 Mon
Author: lyd
Subject: experience

I had an experience that I have shared with a couple of message boards and have reported to NUFORC - In a nutshell: I was in a dorm room facing the front of my school, my best friend was in her room, facing the back of the school (lots of dense woods behind the school). She came banging on my door, hysterical, dragged me to her room, told me she saw a flying saucer. I looked out the window and saw nothing, said so, then said "There's no such thing as flying saucers" - IMMEDIATELY after I made that statement, a huge red (looked like a sparkling plasma cloud) craft?? POPPED into view over the woods. After it had "settled" down into the trees, we couldn't see it anymore. While we were trying to see where it was, several small white saucer-shaped objects began to make very elaborate maneuvers across the sky, in about a 10 mile radius; this lasted about 20 minutes. We heard someone else in the dorm scream while this was going on; we assumed she saw it, too, but never were able to find out who. This was in 1966, and no one wanted to be called a "kook".
For what it's worth.......

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