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Date Posted: 16:46:03 07/30/02 Tue
Author: Daniel Laurier
Subject: Re: Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment
In reply to: Daniel Laurier 's message, "Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment" on 17:02:19 07/24/02 Wed

>I am interested in anyone with firsthand information
>about the Government projects known as the
>Philadelphia Experiment and the Montak Project aka
>Project Rainbow. I would love to talk with any who
>were the "Montauk Boys," who were guinea pigs in the
>Montauk expermients and are willing to share their
>experiences; also those who may not have been directly
>invovled but caught in the experiments' fallout of
>extreme radio and time space shifting radiation, et
>Does any one know anyting about people with the
>natural ability8 to partially or entirely phase shift
>themselves through time and space without the need of
>the aid of any manmade technology, and how they could
>have been affectedby being in the near proximity of
>such experiments as Montauk?

I have exchanged several E-Mails with Steward Swerdlow, alleged to be one of the "Montauk Boys," who were purported to have been abducted from the areas arround the Montauk Project and used as test subjects, however he, as others who have written very well read and successful books about Montauk and related topics, now seem more inteterested in their financial gain than helping with many individuals who may have been adversely affected by being in the proximity of these experiments when the devices were activated. I want to know if there is there any credible information anywhere to corroboate the use of the "Montauk Boys" as test subjects, who they were, and if any others were a know to have been affected by having been at or near the Montauk light during the times these experiments were allegedly being performed, or the project itself?

Seriously curious about many things,
Daniel E. Laurier
Code Named: Zxavier / CmdrZxavier@Yahoo.Com

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  • Re: Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment -- Daniel E. Laurier, 15:31:31 08/01/02 Thu
  • Re: Montauk Project & Philadelphia Experiment -- Zxavier, 17:01:03 08/02/02 Fri
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