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Date Posted: Tuesday, June 21, 02:06:17am
Author: Admin
Subject: More accumulated (BB) links
In reply to: Admin 's message, "Accumulated (BB) links" on Tuesday, June 21, 01:32:23am

Karen Fukuhara (Dominique McE’s castmate in “The Boys”), but pierced - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/b8/c6/7ab8c6d91c92c6a77c60557c7303ebe1.jpg

Karen has been said to be a martial arts "champion" who has at least a brown belt in Karate, yet when she was harassed & nearly assaulted by a stranger on a public street a couple months ago, she said she considered taking a self-defense course. Huh?! WTF?! What the hell?!

Mieko Hillman, approx. 50 seconds, but YouTube log-in required - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRAUm7uGv1g

Lynda Carter (from the video I posted over the weekend) - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MaRjzcVom6o/maxresdefault.jpg

Lynda again (also from video) - https://mltshp-cdn.com/r/1KTHM

4 large thumbnail previews of Lynda Carter (from same video) -

Free Image Hosting Free Image Hosting Free Image Hosting Free Image Hosting


Marilyn again, on the 1967 front cover of the SI swimsuit issue -


pro wrestler & former porn star, NOT the infamous alleged ax murderer - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Lizzy_Borden_at_AVN_Adult_Entertainment_Expo_2012_1.jpg

What if someone were to announce that prizes are available, but only women at least 5' 3" tall who have horizontal belly buttons are eligible to win them?

And what if Dominique McE were to make a derogatory comment about women who have horizontal belly buttons, and then had to speak as a presenter at a celeb awards show, something she has apparently never done & likely will never do since she strongly prefers to keep such a low profile? Should she apologize to all women who have horizontal navels?

And how about it if one of us were to "threaten to plagiarize" Dominique's belly button? What the hell would it mean to "threaten" to "plagiarize" someone's BB?!

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[> More accumulated (BB) links -- Admin, Tuesday, June 21, 04:30:54pm [1]

Lola Tung - https://www.health-yogi.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IMG_20220518_144645.jpg

Mieko Hillman (from the YouTube video) - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YRAUm7uGv1g/hqdefault.jpg

unidentified model - https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0580/2429/products/2022SUMMERD1-9524_large.jpg?v=165056984

lengthy article, maybe only interesting for the pics & 4 videos, of which the first 2 (the longer ones) are apparently interesting only near the end (climactic scene) of each - https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3pzwy/indian-cinema-films-navel-belly-button-fetish-sex

lengthy article, maybe even longer than the one just above, but many interesting parts - https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjeq5z/the-ins-and-outies-of-the-belly-button-fetish-communitya Carter (from same video) -

https://www.turboimagehost.com/p/77371488/Lynda_Carter_05.jpg.html" target="_blank">https://s8d1.turboimg.net/t1/77371488_Lynda_Carter_05.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting" /> https://www.turboimagehost.com/p/77371489/Lynda_Carter_06.jpg.html" target="_blank">https://s8d1.turboimg.net/t1/77371489_Lynda_Carter_06.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting" /> https://www.turboimagehost.com/p/77371490/Lynda_Carter_07.jpg.html" target="_blank">hthan the one just above, but many interesting parts - https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjeq5z/the-ins-and-outies-of-the-belly-button-fetish-community