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Date Posted: 19:18:47 06/10/03 Tue
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Edduan 's message, "*follow*" on 19:16:32 06/10/03 Tue

Amber orbs narrow slightly as the Peshin and Kilven begin to depart, Januya having absorbed every word spoken. The supple black slips next to Skavan, laying her hand on his arm to catch his attention. "I will follow her, and not in a ship. I have fought Kyllys before, and they were pure energy as well. These Rjin... as the Guide does not know their true name, perhaps they are Kyllys. If not, there remains a chance that what kills Kyllys... will also kill Rjin." A bit of the old Jan shines through in the wry grin and handclasp she offers the grey. "Tain gdip, as Lavanians say good luck. Careful, electrocution hurts," she adds with a low laugh, apparently speaking as one who knows. Then, in a swift turn, the glossy-furred Tarok sprints after Kamali, running low and quickly, silver tailblade flashing in the light...

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