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Date Posted: 08:27:57 03/10/17 Fri
Author: MarkW
Subject: Sheer stupidity (again) even!
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "Shee stupidity (again)" on 08:23:08 03/10/17 Fri

>I posted the following at the beginning of the year.
>Unfortunately, last night we had a similar incident.
>The original in January first, followed by last
>night's nonsense.
>Spankings for my 4 often seem to stem from such petty
>incidents. Matters of little or no consequence. I
>don't know if other parents find the same?
>We have a box room that is set up as TV lounge for the
>kids. It buys my wife and myself some privacy in the
>My youngest threw a school text book at his sister
>yesterday evening, in a dispute over what to watch on
>TV. It was a petulant act, and one he is now ashamed
>A small cut to my daughter's face resulted, and she
>duly reported the incident to me.
>My son went to bed early that evening with a well
>slippered, very sore bottom. He has also been banned
>from the TV lounge for the next week.
>Last night:
>The two eldest were out playing in a 5-a-side
>tournament. Our youngest son (now 12), and our
>daughter (13) were watching TV in the kids snug. The
>boy wanted to watch the football, while our daughter
>wanted to watch a rom com movie. Heated words, a
>scuffle, and the sound of breaking glass reaching my
>wife and I downstairs.
>Bare bottom slipperings across my knee for each of
>them, in their bedrooms. Why on earth they can't get
>on beats me.

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  • Re: Shee stupidity (again) -- Tessa, 08:43:10 03/10/17 Fri
  • Re: Shee stupidity (again) -- MarkW, 07:38:01 03/11/17 Sat
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