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Date Posted: 07:31:06 03/11/17 Sat
Author: MarkW
Subject: Re: In praise of handspanking
In reply to: Kate 's message, "In praise of handspanking" on 23:17:09 03/10/17 Fri

You make a strong case for hand spankings, Kate, I must say. I agree with you on the bonding element of that sort of personal spanking. But, I would counter that by saying why should I be punishing my own right hand?! While I appreciate that a slightly cupped hand both aids coverage, and lessens the pain to the palm, a long hard spanking does make my hand smart quite painfully.

Reminds me of an incident when I was a boy, and Mum had just tanned my bare backside over her knee with her small, but stingy right hand. As I stood up rubbing my throbbing buttocks and hopping from foot to foot, Mum was wringing her hand and then studying it.
'Now look at what you have gone and done! You've bruised my hand.', she complained.
Needless to say, I was quite indignant, given the state of my bottom! My fault?! Self-preservation made me keep my mouth shut though!


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