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Date Posted: 14:00:13 03/29/17 Wed
Author: Tessa
Subject: How to Gauge When Enough is Enough

Spanking parents have all sorts of different methods to determine when a naughty child has been sufficiently punished and I'm certainly not advocating one over another. Some will use the level of youngster's crying as a barometer. Others will go by the degree of redness of the bottom. Still others will simply spank for a predetermined time period or administer a licking based on number of swats. And I'm sure there are other methods I haven't even considered.

In my case it's largely based on duration dependent on the crime while also paying close attention to the state of the naked behind. (And it's also one of the reasons I discipline bare in the first place.) It's important to remember I don't spank for every little thing. (If I spanked every time I heard a curse word or somebody forgot to take out the trash out I'd either go insane or my arm would fall off, whichever came first.) However, if the misbehavior is sufficient to warrant a fanny warming there are two basic levels of punishment (with a third nuclear option which I will also discuss although it's exceedingly rare):

Level 1: Roughly two minutes over my lap with my leather strap applied judiciously to the unclothed cheeks at a rate of approximately a swat/second interspersed with scolding that takes up close to half that time. Recent catalysts for this level of spanking have included unruly behavior in school, smoking, calling me a bitch, ignoring repeated directives to perform simple tasks, moderate lapses in curfew judgment, etc. There are obviously a thousand others as this is by far the most frequent kind of spanking in our house.

Level 2: Five minutes of spanking with roughly the same proportion of scolding to butt warming as Level 1. These are spankings that will be felt every time the child sits down for several days and are commensurate with only serious transgressions. Examples have included vandalism, anything serious enough to involve police, blatant abuse of alcohol/drugs, gross negligence of curfews (e.g. staying out half the night), school suspensions, etc. These are pretty rare and mine really have to earn them.

The Nuclear Option: Ten minutes of spanking with scolding as explained above. I can count on one hand the amount of times my three collectively have received one of these. (I don't think my youngest ever has.) These are the proverbial "can't sit down for a week" spankings and what would warrant one are unique situations I've rarely encountered. Although it's never happened (knock on wood), anything involving alcohol/drugs and driving would certainly fall into that category. Basically these spankings are reserved for "I'll know it when I see it" kinds of behavior. Virtually never happen.

Keeping all of that in mind I do monitor the redness of the bottom to avoid beating them "black and blue" as my mother was fond of threatening. What kind of barometer do you use to gauge when enough is enough?

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