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Date Posted: 13:38:34 03/05/17 Sun
Author: Tessa
Subject: Wrongly Whipped

I've never told this story and it just came to mind so this is a "Moms and Dads" exclusive. When I was 13 I hung out with my also 13-year-old male cousin and we and some of his friends were walking the mean suburban subdivision streets of West St. Louis County looking for mischief. One of the boys had decided to bring a baseball bat, presumably in case we got in a fight with an equally bored gang of spoiled tweens. In any case he started bashing mailboxes. However, we were jogging up to a house I knew was a bad idea. It was that of an old friend I had in grade school whom I still knew but whose parents had sent to a strict religious school. Dad was a marine. Not a good combination. Long story short I told everybody to get a running start because this was not going to go well for Richard. We were in a full sprint to the adjoining park but looking back to see a very large and fast man sprint out of his house, grab Richard and drag him by his collar back to the house. Even though my cousin and I didn't do anything the little punk ratted us out and by the time we got back to his house my aunt already had the Hot Wheels track ready. That meant buck naked, side by side, bent over the back of her couch. Thank goodness he had a stash of cold cream. :)

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