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Date Posted: Fri, Dec 09 2022, 2:33:49
Author: Des Silke, ADCRG
Subject: EGM - Representation at the EGM

44 officially suspended -- James McCutcheon, 8/12/22 15:57:28, Thu [24]
As you are aware, An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha initiated a disciplinary process into allegations of wrongdoing which have been widely reported.
Led and overseen by Mr Justice Michael Peart, a retired judge of the Court of Appeal, the independent investigation has thoroughly examined all complaints, grievances and all accompanying evidence.
This external investigation team has provided an update on its progress, and in the interests of transparency, we can confirm 44 cases have now been recommended to proceed to full disciplinary hearing. All the individuals involved have been informed and Clauses 3.2.a and 3.2.b of the Disciplinary Procedure have been invoked.
[3.2.a] Where following an investigation into any complaint, a recommendation is made that a disciplinary committee is convened, in the case of any individual elected to An Coimisiún or any of its affiliated bodies, [he/she] will be obliged to temporarily step down from any position held while the process is ongoing. (AGM 2016)
[3.2.b] Where an investigation into Gross Misconduct concludes there is sufficient evidence to invoke formal Disciplinary Procedures against any individual, that individual may not make any application to officiate at, or act in any official capacity at, any CLRG registered competition or event until formal Disciplinary Procedures have concluded.
These cases will be heard by an independent External Disciplinary Panel. Recruiting experienced, external individuals for this Panel is underway and will be finalised in due course.
We wish to reiterate that CLRG regards all allegations of wrongdoing with the utmost seriousness. We look forward to the External Disciplinary Panel commencing its work and dealing with these issues as soon as possible.
We would also like to reassure Members that we are fully dedicated to introducing positive changes as agreed and approved by your representatives at An Coimisiún. This is something we are committed to and focused on moving forward.
James McCutcheon SDCRG

Do you have any of the 114 CLRG members in your Region that have resigned their position or may due to disciplinary procedures being invoked that are required to step down and not be able to be replaced, therefore your Region will not have full representation at the EGM, has your Region sought for these members to be replaced according to the rules of An Coimisiun as long as they are current members, in good standing, that have been accepted via the registration process and subject to the voting procedures that enable them to be elected as a valid teachers representative for their Regional Council or as an elected Teachers Representive to An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha with no ratification from the floor of An Coimisiun.

Lay Members that are elected via Regional Councils need to be ratified at an An Coimisiun meeting once all checks (Vetting & Child Protection) have been completed by the Regional Council.

Will this affect the teachers in your Region being afforded representation at the EGM?
If as a TCRG, TMRF, ADCRG, you have any questions regarding the above questions please email cathaoirleach@clrg.ie to air your concerns.

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