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Date Posted: Sat, Dec 22 2018, 21:14:00
Author: -
Subject: Associations

Do you think that CLRG needs to put something in place that limits the number of schools/dancers an ADCRG can be associated with? Are we coming to a time where one single AD can wipe out hundreds of dancers from competing at a major because of school mergers and workshops? One school seems intent on some kind of ID world domination, gathering more and more schools into its fold and also travelling to other schools and countries for workshops. When that AD or any other AD associated with them gets mandated to judge Worlds, there are potentially huge numbers of dancers who would be out. I know it is the choice of each school and they go into it knowing that this can and most likely will happen, but what is the limit? When is enough enough? Soon half the schools in the world will be associated if it keeps growing at the current rate.
The likelihood of this happening also increases when there's more than one AD in a school or the merged or workshop schools also have AD's. Will the dancers in a U.S school be happy when an AD in a far off country gets called to Judge worlds and they can't dance? The tentacles of this stretch all over the world. I guess many dancers are out every year,but I feel the time is near when the stars will align and a much bigger number will be out due to a super worldwide merged school AD being called upon.
How many more schools can one super school suck up before there are real issues. I single out one school but also acknowledge that there are other AD's, not merged, who also spend many days/months each year travelling the world doing workshops, further associating more and more schools as they rake in huge cash payments, but at what cost? Again the schools go into it with full knowledge, but I still feel that in the end the dancers will suffer whilst the AD's enjoy their "fame" and ever increasing bank balances with the comfort of knowing that they are untouchable.

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