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Date Posted: 21:59:51 07/24/18 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Hi Daisy
In reply to: Daisy 's message, "What happened to Isaakland?" on 13:25:41 07/19/18 Thu

I miss that too. The gossiping really got shouted down, but I found it entertaining, although as you said at times it was "creepy." I think that overall tone pushed people away and private places were set up. I'm never in with that group, though. So I still post here and love to do it.

At the moment, I'm highly entertained by competing eye-banging tours; i.e. Chris and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Chris is giving value for money and I'm sure the ladies appreciate it - also, it is probably fun for him as well. But, that gives me little twinges of envy and it's truly more fun for me to see Harry and Meghan eye-banging. I love watching true love and celebrate them finding one another.

The "eye-banging" phrase came to mind because the Go Fug Yourself girls used it for the Duke and Duchess photos they had and that reminded me of posters using it here for Chris. There were two camps, the loudest cited that it meant nothing and that's not his girlfriend guys! He does that to everyone. The other side felt, surely, his gf must be in the audience. But c'mon gossipers, if you're still out there.

Frankly, I miss some of the funny and bright posters too, so a dollop of shouting was a small price. You just can't take stuff like personally.

So in the article posted in the other thread, Chris is building in Nashville and moving there? Someone must feel some kinda way about that. Me? I'm surprised. I never thought he'd move far from mom and family, as well as the ocean. I mean, I know there's water around Nashville. I went on a little hike when I was there for his Grand Ol' Opry show around a lake. But, Sheryl is there too, so it makes sense. It does seem like a nice city, but I don't know that I could live in the south. But, I'm sure he wouldn't move if he didn't love it there.

Here's a new, short, interview.

I love old movies too. I think with Andy Griffith I love his singing, but, yes, he is a great actor. He sure knew some old gospel songs. This one I love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCtcJrxVvTw
Try and keep a dry eye, the song starts at 2:20.

I'm throwing this one in, because a friend and I were talking about a long ago concert in Victoria BC. Chris invited several women to sit on the stage during the show. Not to chide them, because who wouldn't be a bit braggy, but I remember them posting about how no other women could get up there, like their lovely selves, because the rest of us were too hideous, or grotesque. Well, I was way far away, okay!?!


Anyway, our conversation reminded me this.

Good to *see* you and happy concert-ing and life in general. Thanks for the chance to ramble.

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