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Subject: Re: A resounding "eh" | |
Author: TechnoAtheist |
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Date Posted: 21:49:36 02/03/02 Sun In reply to: Hetta 's message, "Re: A resounding "eh"" on 01:01:07 02/03/02 Sun >>You can reassure the Salad Barbarian that he's the >>recurring character I most want a plushie doll of. > >AC or DC indeed... >Cool, but I couldn't understand most of SB's words. > >Cheers >Hetta *sigh* Yeah, I figured. Here's the script: SB: Hello, welcome to... thing. Dressing Lad? What first question? DL: Steve in Alaska writes? What the heck is with the aliens. They just kinda came out of nowhere. SB: That question easy! Author say, 'Life like that sometime'. Author say, 'All part of Master Plot'. Salad Barbarian say, 'Author full of beans'. Salad Barbarian say, 'Author not find plot with both hands in cemetary'. Salad Barbarian could say lot more.... but will not. Salad Barbarian not want to wake up with two heads. Again. Next question. DL: Jim in Bellinger writes: 'I really like the extra characters like the McCovey Coven, Annie, and the Brown Streak. Can we see more of them? SB: No Salad Barbarian? Salad Barbarian not bad character Salad Barbarian nice guy! Salad Barbarian even help little old lady across street. DL: You only took her half way. SB: Old Lady hit Salad Barbarian. DL: It was a freeway. SB: Well if Old Lady not want to cross street, Old Lady should not stand next to curb. DL: She was walking below an overpass SB: NEXT QUESTION! DL: Whatever. Pierce in Utah asks, What's with the author constantly complaining about his logs? SB: Salad Barbarian hear that one all the time. Salad Barbarian have answer, but do author listen? No, of course not. Salad Barbarian have one word for author when author complaining. Fiber. DL: O.K. Hetta in Floresence writes: Is Margie AC or DC? SB: Salad Barbarian think Margie not swing that way. VO: Thank you Salad Barbarian. SB: Salad Barbarian thank disembodied voice. VO: And thank you for reading, The Grayhound Chronicles. [display broken "Play Again" button that refuses to work right] [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: A resounding "eh" | Hetta | 09:30:21 02/04/02 Mon |