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Subject: Re: This week's chapter | |
Author: JIM |
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Date Posted: 21:21:39 03/07/02 Thu In reply to: TechnoAtheist 's message, "This week's chapter" on 18:00:56 03/07/02 Thu > >"Mucal Invader! Is there no END to your oozing?" >--The Tick Ah, the Tick. Is there any human experience he can't relate to? >Ok, to make short story long, I've got the flu. Mind >you, I don't generally get the flu so that's why I >don't believe in flu shots (last time I got a flu >shot, I got the mild version, then a month later >caught a totally different strain). In fact the last >time I was really sick was about three years ago. > >Guess I was overdue. Poor you. Don't worry about it, just drink lots of fluids and try not to drown in mucus. >But it could be worse, my boss wound up with walking >pneumonia and has also been out. Oh yeah, there always has to be some show-off trying to one-up you... >Gah.... > > >Being sick sucks.... Yeah, but you'll be home to watch the Price Is Right! Okay, yeah, you're right. Take care, TA. JIM [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: This week's chapter | Hetta | 13:12:09 03/08/02 Fri |