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Subject: Re: What an extraordinary freudian slip... | |
Author: TechnoAtheist |
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Date Posted: 14:07:24 03/30/02 Sat In reply to: Hetta 's message, "What an extraordinary freudian slip..." on 07:56:00 03/30/02 Sat >talking of slips, did you know the universe is beige, >not turquoise? We've been right all these years, with >our beige ceilings... Well, God has to stare at something... > >anyhow, the freudian thingy: there's a pubic space in >Annies? > >Heh. If it's intentional it's very good. If >it's not intentional, it's a magnificent tyop. You're welcome. (Note, I'm not saying if it was intentional or not, just that I'm not going to "correct" it) > >And I wanna know what the alien is doing while the >doggy duo is busy fighting supervillains. Like, why >isn't he helping them? Oh, I know, he's planning a >very involved menu for Easter, but surely that can't >take all his time? In some respects, Zrng is the perfect roomie. He's hardly ever there, pays his own utilites and cooks. There has to be a catch somewhere... > >Good one, TA. Thanks, You're very welcome. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |