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Subject: Re: Xanthium You! | |
Author: JIM |
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Date Posted: 19:14:46 04/22/02 Mon In reply to: TechnoAtheist 's message, "Xanthium You!" on 13:41:02 04/22/02 Mon >Can I ask a really stupid question? Better than anyone I know. >Recently I've seen lots of ads on various things (ok, >Yahoo! stuff) that say "Sunflower your elders. >(sunflower=respect)". Apparently "the Language of >Flowers" is pretty well defined, and has quite a lexicon, >although I don't equate either adoration, nor Haughtiness >with respect, but the that's me. > >So who decided on all these hidden meanings amongst >the high priced foliage? Dunno. I've seen this before - there's quite an entry in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable on it, meaning it must be at least 100 years old. >What's more, this means that in order to pick out a >nice boquet of flowers, one need be aware that the >Creeping Cereus, Mandrake, Snakesfoot, Bay Leaf, >Cypress and Hemlock combination isn't the best one to >send your boss. Likewise a nice arrangement featuring >Ivy Geranium, is not something you should send to >Grandma. Fortunately, like Latin or old English, it's not a language many people speak, so you can get away with flipping the geranium to folks unawares. >And why is poor Basil marked for Hatred? Do folks >really have it out for Sicillians or something? I don't think anyone who's seen Fawlty Towers should have to ask that question. JIM [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |