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Subject: The worlds second most secure computer... | |
Author: TechnoAtheist |
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Date Posted: 07:49:38 07/15/02 Mon So I was over at Mac Hall and spotted something about how their site was listed as a Racist/Hate site instead of Humor by the web blocking company cerberian. Figuring that it might be nice to see how they classified various sites, I cruised over to their site. Of course, there's no way to search and see how your site is being listed (you have to pony up and get the product I guess), but going through the list of sites they block turned up a rather interesting one. They allow you to block web portals and search sites. Excuse me? Sure, blocking pr0n makes sense as does hate and a few other sites, but Google? This reminded me of a conference I went to a long time ago, where one of the vendors featured the worlds second most secure computer. It was a computer, wrapped in ferrite housing (steel mesh) and encased in concrete. The reason it was the second most secure computer was that the powerplug coming out of the concrete block had more than six inches long and therefore a potential antenna. There is a definite trade off between "secure" and "useful" as there is between having a workplace and a prison. Honestly, the whole idea that companies need webblocking software bothers me no end. Do they record all telephone conversations and number the post-its so that they can be accounted for too? Do they bill by six minute increments (with appropriate billing codes for "Bathroom" and "Interbuilding Movement"?), or require GPS units in any vehicle used for corporate travel to ensure that there are no deviations in the planned travel route? Or are they more interested in getting X,Y and Z by T and trust that the employee will get it done by then? If bandwidth costs are a concern, Have they thought about putting their principle net presence on a seperate net or simply reducing the overall bandwidth they're getting (Pulling MPGs of movies becomes far less attractive, if suddenly it takes several days to download it) Or, frankly, evaluating whether or not they need internet access at all. *sigh* The wonders of technology are highlighted by how they can be used to restrict people. And I still have no idea if we're listed correctly... >/rant> [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: The worlds second most secure computer... | rahul | 22:11:09 04/17/05 Sun |