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Braces Memories Message Board
Did you wear braces? Did you have friends with braces? Tell us your memories of orthodontia throughout the years.

What was it like having braces in previous eras (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, etc.)? -- Anonymous, 07:04:24 08/11/19 Sun [1]

As a teen in the 1980s, I had friends who had braces. Back then, they seemed to really dislike them, and braces weren't seen as cool as they were in later eras. When they talked about them, they were more likely to be complaining about them. Here's a survey about wearing braces in prior eras:


How was it to have braces back then?

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Did you have any embarrassing experiences wearing braces? -- Anonymous, 06:55:42 08/11/19 Sun [1]

I think my most embarrassing experiences involved first meeting people after I got them on. Sometimes, they would react in different ways when they saw the braces in on my teeth. I would sometimes try to be discreet about them, kind of hiding them a bit and not smiling so much. But then, once it got around that I had them, people would seem to make it a point to see them.

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What was good and bad about getting braces? What was hard? Was any of it fun? Did they hurt? -- Anonymous, 06:44:24 08/11/19 Sun [1]

Braces were not all that bad when I had them. The bad part was they they stuck me on the sides of my mouth sometimes, causing bruises on my cheeks. They braces themselves didn't hurt as bad as it appeared to hurt for other people. The best part is that they straightened my teeth. They also provided a good source of conversation, once I stopped being shy about them.

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Did you wear braces, or have friends with braces? -- Anonymous, 18:22:58 08/29/18 Wed [1]

What are your memories of wearing braces, or of your friends wearing braces?

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