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Into to Blackjack
The origins of blackjack date to 17th century France where it was originally called vingt et un, twenty-one, and is believed to have evolved from other popular French card games of the period such as chemin-de-fer. Blackjack quickly spread across Europe and by the early 18th century had reached the United States. The name “blackjack” originated from an early big payout hand consisting of the ace of spades and the jack of clubs which was know as “blackjack”, the name stuck while the big payout for the hand disappeared.
Blackjack's popularity continued to grow with the legalization of gambling in parts of the USA in the 1930s, but it was until the 1950s and 1960s that it saw its biggest surge in popularity due as much to mathematicians becoming interested in the game as it was to the coolness of the Las Vegas scene. Many books were published showing players how to increase their edge against the house. These strategies were improved even further as the availability of computing power increased and mathematicians were able to simulate thousands of hands to develop what today has become known as “basic strategy.”