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Subject: Re: PNG Porn Queen

About the writer of this post, Bruce Copeland
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Date Posted: 17:36:02 11/30/11 Wed
In reply to: Elva 's message, "PNG Porn Queen" on 09:07:04 10/13/10 Wed


If you spend much time on internet sites frequented by Papua New Guineans you’ll likely run across more than one posting of the type I’m now replying to. Those postings are always superficial, worded in a similar way, never followed up by an actual conversation, and repeated again and again with little variation. This kind of posting made its first appearance in 2009 and it appears that mentally unbalanced Australian Bruce Copeland who lived in Port Moresby but now probably in Cairns, is the writer.

These postings often center around sex (especially anal) and rubbish Papua New Guineans living in Australia including members of the Kelegai, Noipo, Puye, Goddard and Pape, but especially Philma Kelegai. The typical writing style is shown on this example: “It has now been confirmd that Miriam Waters, of Mooroobol Cairns has been writing sick and defaming messages all over the internet, aiming her abuse at innocent people. Miriam, who has NEVER had a job, slutbagged her way into Australia. MIRIAM = fark off out of Australia or we will shove a wombat up your arse!”

The purpose of this document is to share evidence, taken from many sites and individuals, that when taken as a whole, strongly indicate that Mr Bruce Copeland is the man behind the spam. But first some background information about him.


Mr Bruce Copeland first came to PNG briefly around independence, left for brief time in the military and teaching in Australia, but returned to PNG a few years ago. Mr Copeland has led tourist treks on the Kokoda trail, and taught courses at different schools. He started his own efforts against AIDS, which AUSAID would not support because of Mr Copeland’s odd ideas. In payback for that rejection, Copeland began rubbishing AUSAID, members of the PNG Dept Health, and many associates in person, through e-mails and finally through blog postings. There is unsubstantiated information that Mr Copeland caught AIDS from a relationship with PNG women, that his wife died of AIDS, that Mr Copeland is HIV positive, etc. If so, that might explain the obsessiveness by which Mr Copeland pursues his agenda.

There is no doubt Mr Copeland does (did) cares about PNG, but in that always patronising way characteristic of colonial era expats which requires that you must do things the way he wants if you want to be respected by him. He has not grasped that PNG is an independent country which is why he does not relate well with many educated Papua New Guineans. Those who know him described him as extremely stubborn with a know it all attitude. He acts like the final judge and leading punisher of anything he doesn’t like. That kind of personality fits exactly into the kind of person who would post hundreds of defamatory postings on pngscape and other PNG sites, with the goal of destroying the reputations of various Papua New Guineans.

Mr Copeland's personality, beliefs and style of interaction on the internet become clear from his own writings and postings on his blog, Family Positive Living AIDS Holistics (http://familypositiveliving.blogspot.com/). Bruce Copeland was a frequent presence on the PNG Attitude blog until they banned him in mid 2011. Recently his personality and bizarre e-mail spams were discussed at length on PNG Attitude by Keith Jackson (asopa.typepad.com/), 20 years in PNG by Nancy Sullivan (http://www.nancysullivan.typepad.com/) and pngexposed by anonymous (pngexposed.wordpress.com). For examples, see:


Reading Bruce Copeland’s own words on his blog mostly, certain hatreds and obsessions become obvious:

1 HE IS MILDLY OBSESSED WITH STRONG PNG WOMEN, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO TRICK EXPAT MEN. Maybe this is because he has been a victim himself. On his blog he writes: “If the overseas advisors are to be believed, the women and young girls of this country are being abused by men wanting sex. That is partly true. There is another story. Many young girls are able to hold-up expatriate and national men and take their money.” Also: “Particularly in the highlands, many women are strong and violent.” Many of his defamatory postings target highlands women and families.

2 HE IS OBSESSED THAT GAYS HIDE EVERYWHERE & PROMOTE A PRO-GAY AGENDA IN TOP POSITIONS. On his blog, he writes: “Even gay boys are looked after by family in PNG traditional culture. Family influence has to be removed if gay boys are to be brought to the urban areas and taken to bed by expatriate gays.” Also: “our email messages on Positive living have always been blocked by someone in Exxon Mobil. The reason given is that the message is offensive. Perhaps there is a small clique of expatriate gays and lesbians employed in Exxon Mobil.” Bruce Copeland’s obsession on gays may explain the fixation on anal sex in anonymous postings against various Papua New Guineans. For example: “get some kau kau up your arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 26 2011 at 1:20 PM Anonymous
if you cant find another PNGians to fuk, you can always shove some kaukau up your arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

3 HE HAS A SPECIFIC ANAL OBSESSION. Mr Copeland’s anal obsession is well established. On Copeland’s own blog he complains at one point that Australian Prof Michael Toole, Head of the Centre for International Health at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne and Professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at Monash University, told an audience that he, Bruce Copeland, was “quite anally fixated, mentally ill and obsessed.” Prof Toole also e-mailed AIDS workers in PNG: "For too long we have all sat back and accepted Bruce’s sick, anal-obsessed ravings. He can only get away with it because he’s hiding behind the inadequate legal system of PNG.”
Copeland’s obsession with gays may explain why he took RH’s side in postings at pngexposed in the controversy over the Pomio land grab by RH, in which Greenpeace got involved. He writes on his blog: “The nation has to watch the Greens Party. With Dorothy Tekwie as president, there are many environmental issues. Present members may not realize the PNG Greens have a hidden gay and lesbian agenda just like their opposite number in Australia.”

4 HE STEREOTYPES THAT PAPUA NEW GUINEANS LIVING IN AUSTRALIA ARE PARASITES ON AUSTRALIA. Again and again such postings have appeared on pngscape as well as on a completely different forum (http://www.network54.com/Index/10389), simultaneous with the appearance of anti-Kelegai postings. For example:
fark off BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES!!! November 17 2011, 1:05 PM
theres only one thing worse than a scumbag sscabbing PNG family, and thats a farking Filipino parasitic family!!!!! Fark off back to the Philippines!!!”. And another example: “
The kelegais are deliberately conning Australia December 1 2010, 4:08 PM
heres whats really going on, these Kelegais simply hate Australia. thats what all this conning and ripping people off is about. THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AUSTRALIA.

5 ALTHOUGH HE HAS APPARENTLY ENGAGED IN MIXED RACE SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS HIMSELF, he shows hatred to white women marrying Papua New Guinean men. Emails apparently from Mr Copeland to white Australian NGO woman Lydia Kaliap, exposed on Nancy Sullivan’s blog included this one: “Black cock whore! White cocks can't satisfy so you head up to PNG!”

6 HE HAS STARTED TO STEREOTYPE ALL PAPUA NEW GUINEANS AS UNGRATEFUL FOR OUTSIDE HELP AND BEGUN TO RUBBISH PNG GENERALLY. For example he writes: “if theres one thing I learnt in PNG, MELANESIANS ONLY DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEBODY IF THEY EXPECT SOMETHING IN RETURN!!! Your a pack of users, and you all know damn well that is the heart of your problems: you all go around trying to get something off others all the time. Bruce”. This was followed later with many anonymous postings that are written as if they had come from a Bruce Copeland supporter, but are posted in bursts at the same time as anti-Kelegai postings: “i met bruce copeland on a couple of occassions and honestly the previous message was so unfair to him. he came to your country to try to help you and then you write a message like that about him. no wonder png is going down the ***** tube. your just ungrateful unnapreciative selfish people YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE OF AIDS AFTER WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT BRUCE.” Such messages tend to be repeated over and over, just like other Bruce Copeland spam.

7 HE STEREOTYPES THAT WE PNG EDUCATED ELITE ARE ALL SPOILT LAZY SLACKERS. On his blog he writes: “Some years ago, I worked in a business college in Port Moresby teaching Business Communication. Among many other skills, I taught the skill of combining sentences into Sweet English by Mastery Learning. I would help the students along exercise by exercise. Then I was to leave and a PNG teacher took over. He just set the work and sat back. Students did not master the skills. They mainly got the patterns wrong. Some PNG teachers would have a bad attitude when it comes to Mastery Learning. They do not demonstrate and help students. They just like to see students get the work wrong.”


Sometimes Mr Copeland mixes his obsessions in spam postings against Papua New Guineans who he has decided are evil. His strategy is to try to defame through repetition rather than substance. He never presents details for allegations but uses innuendo and vagueness to convict. For example: “A new STD has hit the streets of PNG! Its called "KeleGAYensis" Symptoms included: flashing breasts at tourists and then demanding money fingering onesself in pubic toilets whinging for money whenever you see a whiteman and shoving bananas up your vagina when nobody is looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” It is likely that Mr Copeland does not offer details and substance because he either does not know his intended victims or knew them only briefly and thus has little factual information to offer. If he has legitimate complaints against the people he rubbishes and would lay out the allegations in a normal, mature way, offering details, his postings would probably not be an issue to anyone but those accused of wrong doing. But he does not do that.

In at least one case, Mr Copeland seems to have picked a Papua New Guinean name off a Townsville online newspaper (http://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/article/2011/04/21/225145_news.html), then rubbished that person in pngscape postings: “has Toke Kewe been farkin little boyz in townsville too?
November 24 2011 at 10:14 PM Townie
doesnt this scumbag toke kewe have awife in townsville? farken hell, i feel sorry for townsville people. i bet hes been farkin little boys there too!!!”

All Papua New Guineans living in Australia could be an unwitting victim of Mr Copeland’s spam and postings. He does not necessarily have to know you personally to rubbish you on the internet. There is also evidence that he has brought his hatred onto Facebook pages visited by Papua New Guineans and may pick off some of his victim’s names directly from Facebook.


Certain of Mr Copeland’s concerns, expressed normally and moderately, would be disagreed with by few people. However his obsessive style amounts to stalking and harassment which is illegal in Australia. The earliest of the defamatory postings discovered is on the Bored Board (http://www.network54.com/Forum/206385) dated 15 July 2009.

The Aussie woman Lydia Kailap stated on PNG Attitude Blog what she thinks is the source of Bruce’s mental problem: “I have a certain amount of empathy for people like Bruce; who live at a grassroots level and daily endure the injustice of the people of PNG. It creates a level of frustration unknown to most human beings and can be debilitating. Perhaps his frustration has overcome him.... and I (for one) would not blame him for that. It is a very difficult and frustrating life when working (for nothing) in PNG to help the forgotten people....when you see (all around you) spivs who get big money for doing nothing. After all, from what I can gather, he has lost his wife and child to AIDS and gone on to set up an organisation to help AIDS sufferers; with no help from anyone or any funding. So he gets a bit "unhinged"; can you blame him? That is a huge loss and a great sacrifice on his part. He is lapun already; but still doing a job that most would never even consider doing. Mardi for him!”

To illustrate Bruce Copeland’s mental imbalance, note that in thanks to Lydia Kailaip for the above defence, he e-mailed from brucecopeland65@gmail.com (taken from Nancy Sullivan blog): ““Your mouth, a ss and cu nt stink, Lydia, that we can smell it from a mile away!” “We are watching your every move and every word you say Lydia, and when we strike, a rocket will be placed into your dirty black cock-loving anus! We are watching everything you say on Facebook and other websites, You have been warned!”


Overall Bruce Copeland has demonstrated these tendencies on the internet:

1 He has gotten into tok paits under his own name on some internet sites to the point where he had to be banned (PNG Attitude blog).

2 He is known to have hidden and posted under multiple pen names on the same web site (documented in early 2011 on PNG Attitude). Copeland writes: “Keith - I am not happy that you have come out on the side of the gays/lesbians and paedophiles of Australia in opposing AIDS Holistics. I have been loyal to you for a long time even writing key reports on your blog with false pen names.”

3 He uses his real name on noncontroversial postings (such as PNG history articles posted on PNG Attitude Blog)

4 He has used different email addresses and pseudo-Bruce Copeland names on postings on the internet as well as on e-mails against other expats, including white women (documented on Nancy Sullivan blog).

5 He has nearly always used (except on some 22 November postings on pngscape) anonymous names whenever he rubbishes certain aspects of PNG life or culture, or individual Papua New Guineans.

6 He has openly spammed PNG health officials with e-mails, and continued spamming even after offended recipients told him to stop. This kind of spamming is no different from the spam postings he has used to rubbish various Papua New Guineans on the internet.


Mr Copeland in recent months has grown more sloppy keeping what he writes and e-mails under his real name separate to the kind of stuff he writes under pseudonames (eg Brice Copeland) or using anonymous pen names. That is how it slowly became clear that the same hand was responsible for all of it. Recent anonymous spam postings by Bruce defend himself while continuing his traditional lashing out at certain Papua New Guineans: “Re: BRUCE COPELAND TRIED TO HELP PNG YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS
November 25 2011 at 10:34 AM
yeah look this pervious message about bruce is just all crap. he doesnt have a problem with wome who stand up for themselves, in fact he was a great supporter of womens rights in PNG. your a fuken idiot whoever wrote the previous message, probably that whore Philma Kelegai again. GET A PROPER JOB PHILMA!!!”

Recent postings like the above make no pretense that an expat is behind these postings.

During 2010-11 his presence on the internet became more aggressive and moved further into underground type attacks on people like what he has always done on pngscape. Different well known Bruce Copeland obsessions appear in different postings all put up during a single, short pulse of postings. This has been documented not only on pngscape, but also another site- http://www.network54.com/Index/10389), making it clearer still that only one person is involved. All arrows point to Mr Bruce Copeland.


Wantoks, Bruce Copeland now realizes we are on to him. He has a history of keeping up with everything said about him on the internet and has copied criticisms about him from other blogs directly onto his own blog in order to rubbish back the critics. Recently he started replying straight to this evidence page with his usual anonymous spam, but dealing with some of the allegations presented here in a tok bokis way. NOTE-He obviously realized his error on 22 November when he briefly came to pngscape by name after postings with this evidence was first put up: “basically in most cases if you have AIDS you are not allowed into Australia and as PNG has an AIDS epidemic at the moment more and more PNGians are being denied entry to Australia. I tried my guts out to help PNGians with AIDS, and it broke my heart to see young gurls and wives with AIDS, but its up to you guys now, your men are so disgusting and selfish that I dont know what your gonna do to save yourselves... Bruce Copeland”.

It is important to note that this last mentioned posting 1) appeared at the same time as anti-Kelegai postings appeared in another part of pngscape and 2) was quickly followed by anonymous postings that carried the same theme but strong in language:
“PNGians are the most disgusting breed in all the world!!!
No score for this post November 22 2011, 11:43 AM
Yeah. blame Australia, thats aways the PNG answer. Never mind the billions of dolars you people have ripped off. Never mind the hundresd of thousands of women raped and tortured. Never mind the murders and genital mutlation of bodies you people do. DONT THINK THAT THE WORLD DOESNT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN PNG, THEY DO KNOW. You PNG people always lie and blame other countries especialy Australia, NOW IT IS COMING OUT ABOUT THE DIGUSTING RAPES AND TIRTURING YOU PEOPLE DO. YOUR WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST DISGUSTING BREED OF PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Postings like the one above remove all doubt that these words are coming from an Australian expat who has now started stereotyping and rubbishing Papua New Guineans in general. The only other person offered up as a possible for such postings is a Daniel Collins of Tully/Cairns. However, there is no indication that this person has an interest in HIV AIDs as does Bruce Copeland, nor has he been involved by name in documented tok paits with others on the internet. However it is possible that Bruce Copeland is taking information from Daniel Collins about the Kelegai family, etc. then putting that into his internet spam.


That completes what we know at present about Bruce Copeland, the reasons for his mental illness, and how his mental illness is being expressed.

This information is being given to you so that Papua New Guineans will come to widely understand what is in back of all this spam and perhaps can feel a bit of sympathy towards a lost soul, a person who is the victim of his own excesses and extremes. Don’t let yourself fall into the hole that he is now in, a mentally ill person who no longer has control over their actions. Mr Copeland’s brain now drives him like a machine to try and destroy people around him. It is a sad end to a life that otherwise might have been celebrated.

You’ll probably notice that Mr Copeland often replies to this information posting with his usual anonymous spam. The best thing to do is ignore it. The reason why this information is being put up in reply to his spams is to educate Papua New Guineans about what has been going on.

Bruce Copeland’s game on the internet and any influence amongst thinking people is now quickly drawing to a close. In time, others will be able to pick up the explanation of Mr Copeland’s spam through Google when they type in his name. Also hopefully someone at some point will be able to post where Mr Copeland is physically located so that he can be helped and perhaps his daughters removed from the custody of this unbalanced man.

PNG trekking Kokoda trail Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
AIDS PNG Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
Holistic Living Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
Papua New Guinea Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
http://familypositiveliving.blogspot.com/ Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
FAMILY POSITIVE LIVING - AIDS HOLISTICS Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker
faith, hope, peace, love, truth, compassion, trust, patience, honesty, kindness, family, friends, forgiveness, fellowship, work, sleep, exercise, relax, clean water, morning sun, nutritious food, fresh vegetables, fruit, grains and nuts, rights, responsibilities, obligations, clean blood and tissues, clean in body, mind and soul AND FREEDOM FROM hate, greed, fear, stress, violence, rejection, infection, starvation, beer, homebrew, tobacco, marijuana and drugs (Christian and Buddhist teachings) Bruce Copeland documented cyberstalker

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