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~*The Hunting Fields*~
OK,since I'm busy alot now,and the other game hunters have busy lives also,You can hunt whatever u wnat(just not humans,EACH OTHER,etc)so,if you wnat to hunt,you can play the part of the animal.JUST,make sure,you have at least 1 or 2 pack members when hunting something big,ok?and put EFFORT into your posts!

Neutral Dogs
Evil Dogs
Light Dogs

Subject Author Date
PURCHASE QUALITY PASSPORTS, DRIVERS LICENSE, IDENTITY CARDS, VISAS...( uniqueproducers99@hotmail.com Unique9916:23:49 06/07/19 Fri

The Silver Linings Playbook By Matthew Quick (ePUB/access Deniedmorcaili21:50:33 03/30/14 Sun

Download Cheatbook Of 2013morcaili21:49:50 03/30/14 Sun

Bad Apple Topless Boxing-addsmorcaili21:49:01 03/30/14 Sun

Crack Presentation Assistant Ultimate 2 6 1morcaili21:48:04 03/30/14 Sun

Assassins Creed Revelations 1.0.8 Apk Crack.rarmorcaili21:46:31 03/30/14 Sun

Plants Vs Zombiesilliaolwy14:53:44 03/29/14 Sat

A Kingdom Coming: An Overview Of The New Testament And Its Message For Uscailwil20:00:50 03/19/14 Wed

Archaeology In Practice: A Student Guide To Archaeological Analysescailwil19:59:17 03/19/14 Wed

50 Shades Of Gray German Torrentnocobroo12:42:45 03/19/14 Wed

*She pads in with a tear running down her cheek*Puretsuchi13:17:04 04/03/02 Wed

she runs her sleekArrow15:26:42 04/02/02 Tue

*both walks in*Dragon's Song+IY10:25:37 02/20/02 Wed

*puppy enters the area*Kooru06:04:36 02/16/02 Sat

*the males enters*Hell's Gaurdian18:56:38 02/15/02 Fri

She slinks in and waits for Stormy (NT)Dark's Angel20:29:23 02/14/02 Thu

¤Enters with her father Taker and siblings ready and eager to hunt¤ (NT)Magic09:30:16 02/10/02 Sun

<*slinks in*>Skys the Limit (STL)13:11:28 01/25/02 Fri

He pads in and looks around for prey (NT)Derby19:48:03 01/21/02 Mon

*Slinks*Angela16:49:36 01/21/02 Mon


1 WEEK OLD PUP walks in lost and hungry he sees a rabbit and tries to chase it but he was to small.........Lil Tyke08:45:39 01/05/02 Sat

+game+^U.T.^13:56:52 01/04/02 Fri

INSIDE>>>Taker13:52:40 01/04/02 Fri

|±|Šare|±||±|Šeception|±|21:19:00 01/03/02 Thu
  • ~*follow*~ -- Taker, 13:49:37 01/04/02 Fri
    • ¤Šare¤ -- ¤Šeception¤, 17:22:30 01/04/02 Fri

*Large wolf/shepard female comes into view. She spies...*Kali19:05:40 01/03/02 Thu

~A large stag moves into the clearing~Stag13:09:46 01/03/02 Thu

Sunglasses? Anyone?Woc Man16:14:36 01/02/02 Wed

Stalks....Dakotia08:31:40 01/01/02 Tue

Large Wolf walks in and turns to a human looking form but then he smiled showing his fangsMiguell17:25:15 12/31/01 Mon

*Spots a large but weak doe*>>>Sabor Tooth08:05:58 12/28/01 Fri

^trots into the hunting grounds, her stomach rumbling feriously^ (NT)Bad to the Bone20:33:13 12/27/01 Thu

*A wolf>>>>*Sabor Tooth a.k.a. Sweet Tooth16:09:09 12/27/01 Thu

He trots in, then sits and waits for his mate and pups (NT)Raider14:39:42 12/27/01 Thu

Looks around......Dakotia16:56:42 12/23/01 Sun

*She slowly stalks the grounds, looking for prey & waiting for her hunting companions* (NT)Angela17:21:10 12/22/01 Sat

*prowls in looking for food*Crimson Blood16:15:17 12/09/01 Sun

II waits IIRage08:58:31 12/07/01 Fri

The firey red female crawls carefully closer to her prey.>>§Lleld§12:48:11 11/03/01 Sat

(OOPS!!! Look at this one)~The large white german shepard male enters~He gazes at all of the prey here~He notices his favorite and makes a low growling noise~>>>*/Snowfall\* (-(-(Snowy)-)-)16:05:54 11/01/01 Thu

~The large white german shepard male enters~He gazes at all of the prey here~He notices his favorite and makes a low growling noise~>>> (NT)*/Snowfall16:01:22 11/01/01 Thu

*walks in, looking about for a hunt, but also waiting for her 2 daughters* (NT)Imp18:21:45 10/30/01 Tue

*Large Jack Rabbit is seen dart back and forth thru the tall grass, a white/black patched dog at its heels* (NT)Kali15:41:56 10/25/01 Thu

*The Collie lopes in & waits patiently for the rest of her hunting group* (NT)Angela22:19:35 10/18/01 Thu

Arrow pads in and looks around waiting for Shika (NT)Arrow16:33:21 10/17/01 Wed

A lab trots over to a nearby stream, starring entently into the waterDemon14:56:54 10/13/01 Sat

A puppy walks in trying to learn how to hunt with a fawn following him. (NT)Brandy10:50:02 10/07/01 Sun

*The Collie chases after a young fawn* ((Sorry, but there are no game posts so i made one up))Angela18:23:31 10/06/01 Sat

*The black jackal slinks through the shadows, her body camoflauged in the shadows. She spots a young buck, only 4 points old*Jackal's hate14:11:50 10/04/01 Thu

The Border Collie spots what she could tell was a deer>>Flicka17:24:57 09/22/01 Sat

(okay i know i've been inactive but i still wanna post game)an old female caribou lies down in some soft moss,you notice she has trouble breathing and is infested with parasites. (NT)*E*18:49:04 09/20/01 Thu
  • ::Messa yo:: -- Messa Yo, 14:11:37 10/02/01 Tue
    • Victory! -- Messa Yo = evil, 10:02:57 10/03/01 Wed

(Hey everyone! I'm bored, so i'm gonna post some game for anyone that wants to hunt!)Three elk and a baby come wandering through, lost and confused (anyone can go for the baby, but find som help of the adults) (NT)Midnight11:34:42 09/15/01 Sat

A dog walks in>>>Abby21:46:19 09/14/01 Fri

he trots in and goes to the shady side of the stream. he crouches down and slips a paw into the waterDerby16:10:43 09/13/01 Thu

Sees the "Lets make friend" woman standing in the corner. "Rebecca" she growls. She bloodly rips out her throat, and chews on her contently (sorry, I needed to take out my ander on that woman!!) (NT)Taro16:34:18 09/03/01 Mon

*she runs in and leaps at the first prey she sees*Arrow14:57:27 09/02/01 Sun

A large cow has wanderd into the area. it has gashing wounds from a fight with a cougar. Fyre sees it, and Leaps onto it's back, ripping out the base of the neck. she drags it of to her TT, and her pups. (NT)Black Fyre11:57:41 08/29/01 Wed

Staring intently at the water, she grabs a fish and carries it away (NT)Taro16:37:34 08/27/01 Mon

a weak calf has been aboanded by it's mother. (NT)cow15:03:58 08/24/01 Fri

Let's make friendRebecca11:15:31 08/20/01 Mon

*Comes loping in and heads to the stream. Watches the fish in it*Kali18:48:20 08/19/01 Sun

~Mistica spots a young doe with a fawn at her side.~Mistica23:30:23 08/17/01 Fri

spots a kangaroo and her joey,just hopping along,then takes off and captures the joey*Chey15:05:18 08/16/01 Thu

*Hey Flicka!* runs in panting *flicka? sorry it took me awhile to get here!* (NT)Raider19:36:42 08/14/01 Tue

(i know that u can post game yourselves but if you want sum 1 else to do that i'm gonna post regurly)*The black bear cub tumbles into the valley,he sniffs curiously totally helpless to the unknown danger.* (NT)*E*19:01:51 08/14/01 Tue

*lopes in* Mom, Zorro? *comes up to them* I'm sorry i left but Bell left and Angel never got up.Kali22:13:07 08/11/01 Sat

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