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Date Posted: 20:43:57 07/29/01 Sun
Author: Amir
Subject: A Rebuttal
In reply to: Asif 's message, "Re: Excuse you" on 08:09:01 07/29/01 Sun

Now wait just a goshdarn minute there...put away your damn McCarthy hats, I'm only 2 years behind and therefore QUITE capable of navigating the "View Askewniverse". Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I am quite aware of the good track record, including the highly underrated (and ignored) TV series, which I am in the process of acquiring on DVD (along with the unaired eps!). In fact, I think you agree with what i was *trying* to say, which was that the new one's not gonna be that way. It's just one of those summer romps most likely capitalizing not on the really great stuff they've done but on the ~:groan:~ MTV ads they used to do. There! Are you happy? You went and made me bring *that* up...
In summary:
Old Jay & Silent Bob stuff = good
New Jay & Silent Bob movie = not like old stuff, not necessarily bad, but quite possibly bad (or at least stupid).
me = wishing it was like old stuff
you = jabbing wildly with pointed sticks, screaming angrily
^Alternate Japanese Ending^
Who is driving? Oh, no, Bear is driving?! How can this be???

Hehehe...that still cracks me up. You don't know how LONG i walked around after that show aired looking for even ONE other person who had seen it. I was quite clearly looking in the wrong graduating class...

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