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Date Posted: 14:15:59 04/17/01 Tue
Author: aaron
Subject: Re: Suprise Jam Session Gone Awry
In reply to: drewy 's message, "Suprise Jam Session Gone Awry" on 04:40:26 04/17/01 Tue

everything you said would have been completely plausible .......had you been a white male.

>Here's what happened...
>My parents' friend has a job that frequently takes him
>through Richmond (where i attend school) and so i took
>him up on the offer for a ride to Virginia Beach for
>the Easter weekend. So, i had a nice visit at home
>and on Sunday, before i had to go back to school, i
>decided to pay a visit to my ol' buddy Farsheed
>(that's Farsheed Hamidi-Toosi, btw) - so, i'm driving
>to farsh's house and i get a flat tire!! i'm less
>than a mile away, so i decide to walk. i trip on some
>crazily concealed tree root, and my t-shirt gets
>ripped. so, i'm walking up to farsh's house, and i
>see his parents doing yardwork, so i walk up to say
>hello. i step on this waterhose, sending ice cold
>water up my shorts. oh, did i use the word "blast"?
>i meant to say a BLAST of ice cold water up my shorts.
> i go inside, and discard my dirty, wet, torn shirt.
>i figure i can dry off with a towel and i can borrow a
>t-shirt from farsheed. (that reminds me farsh, did i
>get that MARS music t-shirt back?) so i'm looking
>through the fridge for some string cheese or some
>pomegranate, and that's when i notice the spider on my
>shoulder. oh, did i use the word "gigantic"? i meant
>to say a GIGANTIC spider on my shoulder. i brushed
>off the spider and went to find farsheed. actually, i
>screamed bloody murder, then when to find farsheed. i
>was walking up the steps when i noticed a cricket.
>(for those of you who don't know, there is this
>cricket who resides on the staircase in farsheed's
>house) so, this scary cricket jumps on me, and i
>freak out and run upstairs. i open it, to find
>Farsheed and Aaron. i wave to them, and i'm trying to
>catch my breath from the insanity. i have only
>recently had the pleasure to make Aaron's
>acquaintence, so i shake his hand. i try to explain
>the horrible luck i have suffered in the past 12
>minutes, when my buddies (and soon to be bandmates)
>say "who the hell are you?" overcome with grief, i
>run out of the house, and ask a kind woman to give me
>a lift to my broken down car. what a horrible day.
>that's what happened.

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  • Re: Suprise Jam Session Gone Awry -- aaron, 14:21:15 04/17/01 Tue

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