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Date Posted: 22:08:41 04/21/01 Sat
Author: farsheed
Subject: what the!?!!?!!!!???!!!!?!?

after staying in a hotel one night with free cable, i am concerned. With made for tv movies like, "step-sister from planet weird", what the hell is this world coming to? i mean, someone sat down to actually write a story about a girl who comes from another planet where she used to be a BUBBLE and now lives on earth in human form. a BUBBLE?! oh yeah, and her mother died by being popped by the emperor's spaceship bubble. (which fired what...? more bubbles?) anyways the bubble girl happens to fall in love with the mean emperor's bubble boy (a romeo/juliet rip off). and why does her voice get higher when she drinks carbonated soda? (OOOH, the gas is supposed to help her feel more like a bubble? why didn't you just say so?) anyways, it's a damn shame i was watching this show, but i changed it before i saw the ending where they blew up the emperor bubble using hairdryers. yes, that's right, hairdryers - oh and a leaf blower. yes, a leaf blower, operated by an 8 year old kid. and this was on the FAMILY channel for that matter. what kind of warped, f***ed up programs are kids watching today???! we can only hope a resurgence of new episodes of family matters and full house can save these young kids today.

anyways, what time is it? i think "Flying Nacho Chips say Hello to Baghdad" is on.

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