Subject: Kyles Punishment |
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Date Posted: 11:34:06 12/26/21 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "FICTION DEPT" on 12:54:05 11/10/21 Wed
Chapter 1 in Trouble Again
Kyle had once again got himself in trouble at school. He had been teasing an 8 year old girl in his class who due to a nervous complaint, had frequent wetting accidents. Kyles teasing had yet again caused her to wet herself in front of the class much to her embarrassment. Betty had earned herself the nickname “Betsy Wetsie” largely due to Kyles teasing.
“Kyle Mc Fearson, come here this instant” shouted Miss Morgan, Kyles teacher.
“This is the last time you shall tease poor Betty”
Kyle went to Miss Morgan who grabbed his ear and dragged him into the store room. He was told to remove his school shorts, underpants, socks and t-bar sandals. He reluctantly did as he was ordered and stood and faced the wall. Betty was asked to come in and was given her spare clothes to change into whilst Kyle stood half naked with his nose to the wall and his hands on his head.
Once Betty had changed into clean clothes she returned to the class.
“Put these on” ordered Miss Morgan.
Kyle was handed Betty's wet clothes.
“Please Miss I can't, I will be laughed at.” he cried.
“You should have thought of that before you tormented poor little Betty. You will find out just how bad she felt” replied Miss Morgan.
Kyle stepped into the navy panties that were still warm with Betty's accident. As he pulled them up around his waist he was aware of his stiffening member, a cause of confusion and embarrassment. He hoped that Miss Morgan had not noticed. He had to sit down to pull on the gray tights which he found difficult at first. He stood up to pull on Betty's pleated skirt and then went to retrieve his sandals.
“No Kyle you put these on” Miss Morgan said as she handed Kyle a pair of Mary-Janes from lost property.
In tears Kyle put on the girly Mary-Janes before being lead out to his class. He was met with howls of laughter and taunting which Miss Morgan did nothing to stop. After a while Miss Morgan quieted the class down and announced that for one month Kyle wold continue to dress as he was now dressed. He would have all bathroom privileges withdrawn. At this Kyle burst into tears much to the amusement of his so called best friend Markus who shouted'
“Look at sissy Kyle crying like a baby”
Kyle was told to apologize to Betty and take his seat. Reluctantly Kyle did as he asked and sat silently on his seat. The lesson continued on whilst Kyle tried to concentrate, aware of his new clothing. As the lesson continued he became aware of his growing need to pass water. Would he truly be denied the bathroom as Miss Morgan had told his class. The more he thought about it the more the pressure built.
Eventually Kyle had no choice, he put up his hand to ask for a bathroom pass.
“Yes Kyle” Miss Morgan asked.
Eventually Kyle felt the warm spreading in “His” panties and tights. Soon a fair sized puddle formed under his chair much to the amusement of the class and the utter humiliation of Kyle. The sissy was now wetting himself in his girly clothes.
“Have you finished going potty Kyle” asked Miss Morgan.
In tears Kyle nodded yes.
“Go get a mop and clean up your mess” ordered Miss Morgan.
Kyle stood up revealing his shameful accident even more to the class and was witnessed by the class mopping up his accident. Thankfully his school day was at an end and he could return home.
Miss Morgan called him to her desk and handed him a note for his mother. He asked if he could change into his shorts and socks before returning home. Miss Morgan handed him his shorts, socks and sandals in a sealed bag and was told not to open it until he got home and gave the note to his mother.
Horrified Kyle realized that he would have to not only travel home on the bus in girls uniform, but also in wet panties too. He was totally miserable as he travelled on the bus home. He ran home after getting off the bus to avoid getting beaten up by the local bullies.
He opened the front door to be greeted by a very angry mother...
Chapter 2 – Kyles New SISSY Life
When Kyles mother saw him dressed in his girls uniform and smelt the distinct odor of stale pee, she grabbed him by the ear and lead him up to his bedroom. He was told to pull down his tights and panties and bend over his desk. Once bent over the desk Kyle had to lift the back of his skirt up over his back whilst his mother went to get the paddle that was hung up above his bed.
Kyle knew what was coming and started to cry like a baby rather than the 9 year old boy he was supposed to be.
“Stop that crying young man, you have brought this on yourself. You have embarrassed me and the family and I will make sure this never happens again!” shouted his mother.12 12
She proceeded to spank Kyles exposed butt. As he whaled in pain his younger sister, 6 year old Dorothy appeared at the door. She was shocked to see her brother dressed in girls clothes and giggled until she got the look from her mother.
After 12 spanks with his paddle, Kyle was told to pull up his panties and tights and come downstairs. He slowly pulled up his damp panties and tights and lowered his skirt before joining his mother and giggling sister downstairs.
“Drink this Kyle” his mother said handing him a large glass of soda.
Kyle took the soda and drank it as instructed. He was handed a further 2 glasses to drink whilst his sister drank her small glass of soda.
“We need to go shopping for clothes for Kyle” said his mother to his sister.
Kyle knew all too well not to say anything and was told to take hold of her hand whilst they went into town for new clothes. The trip on the bus was a nightmare. He felt the eyes of everyone staring at him and saw many kids sniggering and whispering to each other.
He was relieved to get off the bus. Once again he had to take the hand of his mother like a toddler whilst his sister skipped ahead of them. The first shop they called at was the local uniform shop. He couldn't stop his tears as his mother measured pleated skirts against him.
He was shocked when he saw his best friends older sister coming towards them.
“Hello Mrs Mc Fearson, can I help you?” she said to Kyles mother.
“Yes Anne, Kyle needs a new wardrobe” replied his mother.
Smiling at Kyle Anne said “Oh yes my brother told me about what happened at school, I will be happy to help.”
Soon a pile of pleated skirts, girls school panties, tights, frilly socks, games leotards and skirts, blouses and cardigans lay on the counter. Anne made out the bill and charged it to Mrs Mc Fearson's account.
Kyle was told to thank Anne for her help.
“Thank you” replied Kyle reluctantly.
“What for sweetie” replied Anne with a smile.
“Tell her Kyle” his mother said.
“For helping me with my new clothes.” whimpered Kyle.
“For your girls clothes” sniggered Dorothy.
Kyle was lead out of the store by his mother. Again he was forced to hold his mother's hand. As they traveled to the next shop he could feel pressure in his bladder from the sodas he was made to drink earlier. He started to hold his crotch as best he could with his free hand. Noticing his mother slapped his hand away from his crotch.
“Stop that. Young ladies don't do that” his mother shouted.
He was lead into the barbers and after enduring taunts from the barber had a short back and sides haircut to emphasize that he was a boy, a little boy in a skirt. The humiliation was becoming unbearable. What else was he going to have to go through.
After leaving the barbers he was lead into the pharmacy and told to take a seat. Sullenly he took a seat and tried to take his mind off his growing need for the bathroom.
“I need diapers for my son here” announce Kyles mother.
“Mommy noo...please” cried Kyle.
“If you can't keep your panties dry you need diapers Kyle” replied his mother.
At this Kyle felt his bladder give way. In tears Kyle felt warm pee soak his panties under him and dribble down his tights. Soon a puddle formed under his seats. Kyle buried his face in his hands in utter embarrassment.
“Shame on you Kyle, how dare you embarrass me like this.”
“I see what you mean Mrs Mc Fearson, I will get some cloths to mop up his accident” said the assistant.
She went away returning with the clothes. She was told to give them to Kyle to clean up the mess he had made. Kyle proceeded to wipe up his pee pee. After cleaning up he was told to remove his skirt, tights and panties and put them in a plastic bag that was supplied by the assistant. The look on his mothers face told him not to argue. Slowly Kyle removed his skirt, tights and panties and put them in the bag.
After some discussion it was decided that cloth diapers were best. Kyle meanwhile stood in the pharmacy half naked whilst onlookers stared at his small hairless pen-is. Soon he was told to lay down to be fitted into one of his new diapers.
“We only have pink plastic panties in his size I'm sorry” said the assistant.
“That's ok, pink WILL be his favorite color, won't it Kyle” replied his mother.
Tearfully Kyle nodded in agreement whilst he was put into a cloth diaper. He then had to stand and step into the pink plastic panties. After paying for the purchases Kyle was lead outside in just his diaper and plastic panties. He couldn't bear to look up at anyone as he was lead to the next shop, Bosleys shoe shop.
Chapter 3 - Bosley's
Kyle was relieved to arrive so he could escape the embarrassing stares of people. He took a seat and tried to cover up his diaper. Much to his relief he was handed one of HIS school skirts to put on thus hiding his diaper.
As he sat there, his mother announced to the assistant “I need a pair of school shoes for my on here”
The assistant looked at Kyle and then at his mother.
“Sandals or girls Mary-Janes” she asked quietly.
“Well as my son is dressed like a girl I suggest the girls shoes” said his mother loudly, casing Kyle to try and hide himself even more.
The assistant went away after measuring Kyles feet.
Kyles mother sat beside him and stroked his short hair. She straightened his skirt and whispered in his ear.
“You have brought this on yourself. I have had enough of your macho naughtiness. You will be my sissy son for some time”
Soon the assistant returned with a pair of patent black Mary-janes. Reluctantly Kyle was helped into them by the grinning assistant. Kyle was then told to walk up and down to model his shoes off. He was then told to bend down and feel his toes. Tearfully Kyle did as he was told.
As he was getting up he noticed a pair of legs clad in white tights and patent Mary-Janes with gold buckles on the side. As he lifted his head he saw the legs belonged not to a girl but a boy dressed in blue velvet shorts, velvet bolero jacket under which the boy was wearing a very lacy blouse. Kyle also noticed the distinct bulge of a diaper.
As kyle looked at the boy, he recognized him as Toby a boy from his school. Toby was a bit of a loner and known to be a sissy because of his effeminate manner and his tendency to play with girls mostly. It was rumored he also did ballet.
“Hi there, Kyle isn't it” Toby said.
“Er yes” Kyle responded.
“I'm getting new shoes too. Mommy is buying them for my birthday, along with this smashing new suit, what do you thing.” said Toby swinging his hips to show off his sissy suit.
“Ok I guess” replied Kyle.
At this Kyles mother came over.
“Who's this Kyle darling?” she asked.
“I'm Toby.” Toby replied stretching out his hand to shake Mrs Mc Fearson's hand.
“My what a gentleman, and what a nice outfit you are wearing” Kyles mother replied.
“Yes mommy likes to dress me nicely and I like to please my mommy by being a smart and good little boy” replied Toby.
'What a little sissy' thought Kyle.
Soon they were joined by Toby's mother, Ms Grayson. The mothers talked for a while and Toby and Kyle sat down together. Toby tried to make conversation but Kyle wasn't in the mood to talk. Soon the mothers returned and announced that they were going to Toby's house for play and dinner.
After paing for Klyles new shoes they left Bosley's and got on a bus to Toby's house. Kyle tried to make himself invisible as people noticed him and Toby. Toby kept feelingnthe leg of his shorts telling Kyle how wonderful velvet feels.
Thankfully they soon arived at the stop next to Toby's house and got off the bus and walked to Toby's house. When inside Toby lead Kyle to his bedroom to play. Kyle could not believe what he saw before him. Toby's room was just like a baby's nursery, he even had a large crib. Teddy bears and other cuddly toys were every where along with a number of dolls. Posters of ballet dancers also adorned the walls. There was a large changing table along one of the walls along with a large flat sreen tv and xbox.
“What do you think of my room” Toby asked.
“It's a baby's room” shouted Kyle.
“It's a nice room and I like it. Mommy says it's a special boys room and I'm her special boy” replied Toby almost in tears.
Kyle feeling guilty for upsetting Toby apologized and said they should play on Toby's Xbox.
Toby agreed and loaded up a game. Horrified the game was Care Bears amazing adventure. Kyle asked if Toby had any “real” games like Halo.
“Mommy says they are too violent” replied Toby.
Reluctantly Kyle proceeded to play the baby's game on the Xbox as the alternative was playing dollies.
As they played Toby's mommy arrived and handed them baby's bottles filled with soda. Toby eagerly took his bottle and proceeded to suc-k on the bottle. Kyle was not as keen, but fearing how his mother would be he took it and like a good sissy drank from it.
Kyle asked Toby not to tell anyone at school about how he was dressed and the baby stuff. Toby agreed as long as Kyle was his friend. Kyle reluctantly agreed.
Soon Kyle needed to pee and asked where the bathroom was. Toby said that the bathroom was only for his mommy and sister and that boys had to use their diapers. Reluctantly Kyle peed into his diaper as Toby took his turn on the Xbox.
“I need my diaper changing, do you Kyle” asked Toby.
Kyle shook his head yes. At this Toby went off and returned holding his younger sisters hand.
“Jessica will change us” said Toby
“No, I can't” cried Kyle.
“She needs to practice and mommy says we have to” replied Toby.
Kyle had to agree to this torment and agreed to have 6 year old Jessica change him. Toby was the first to climb up onto the changing table. Jessica pulled down Toby's shorts and tights revealing bright pink ruffled plastic panties which were removed revealing a yellowed soggy cloth diaper. She removed the diaper pins and diaper and cleaned Toby's privates causing Toby to get erect. Soon he was put into a new cloth diaper and redressed.
Next Kyle nervously climbed onto the changing table. His skirt was lifted up around his mid section, his plastic pants pulled down and diaper removed. He too was cleaned and tried supress his erection. He was tearfully embarrassed but Jessica just put him in a cloth diaper as if it was nothing.
After being redressed Kyle and Toby followed Jessica downstairs for dinner. Both Kyle and Toby were put into pink bibs and then given their dinner in Winnie the Pooh bowls. Their food had been chopped into bite sized chunks and they were handed plastic spoons to eat with. Jessica on the other hand had a proper plate with a knife and fork to eat with.
After dinner it was announced that Kyle would be stopping for a sleepover with Toby. Despite pleading with his mother.
Chapter 4 - Sleepover
When it was time for bed, which in Toby's case was 7pm, both kyle and Toby were lead upstairs to the family bathroom. Jessica was preparing a sweet smelling bubble bath for the two boys. Jessica helped both Kyle and Toby remove their clothes and their sodden diapers. Then jessica told them both to get in the bath. Kyle looked confused, but knew not to question it.
He climbed into the bath with an excitable Toby who proceeded to play with the bath toys like a toddler. Kyle sat there bemused until Toby handed him a mermaid to “play” with. Reluctantly he started to play with his mermaids hair.
Soon Toby reached over and proceeded to wash Kyle watched by Toby's mom and Jessica. Kyle was not at all keen on Toby's advances. Soon Toby was satisfied with Kyles cleanliness. Toby announced that it was Kyles turn to wash him. Kyle reluctantly lathered up Toby and proceeded to wash him all over even Toby's dinky which at Toby's insistence he reluctantly washed.
Soon oth boys were lifted out of the bath and dried all over by Jessica and Toby's mom. They were the powdered with Johnson's baby powder (only the best...Ed). Smelling like a couple of newly washed babies they were lead downstairs into the lounge to have supper. Kyle was very conscious of his naked state, particularly when Mrs Mc Fearson started taking photos “for the family album”.
Thankfully the “photo shoot” was soon over and it was time to get dressed. Jessica had Kyle lay down on a large bath towel and proceeded to put him in 3 cloth diapers that were pinned around his waist tightly. His legs were lifted so that a pair of pink ruffled plastic panties were put on over his diapers. His feet were put into pink night socks with lace tops. He stood up and was helped into pink towelling shorts with gathered leg holes. A matching pink towelling top with a yellow bunny motif on the pocket. His hands were put into wool mittens and he was handed a baby bottle of chocolate milk to drink. Toby was dressed in a matching outfit only his was yellow with a pink bunny motif.
The boys were lead up to Toby's room and helped into Toby's crib which had the noisiest plastic mattress protector on under the pink fleece sheets. They were read a bed time story by Jessica who then kissed the boys goodnite.
For Kyle it all was too much and he began to cry. Toby cuddled him close and stroked his hair whispering “It's ok now. You are special like me. Our mommies love us and I love you too. There there.
Kyle could not believe what had happened to him. One minute he had been a macho well respected bully of his school and now he was sharing a crib with a sissy baby who no one would talk to and avoided like the plague.
As he continued to cry and be comforted by Toby he started to feel different somehow. He started to feel warm inside. He felt somehow calm and had a fuzzy feeling inside. As he calmed down he felt his eyes getting heavy and soon sleep took over.
As both boys slept their diapers became warm as they happily wet their diapers. Both safe and secure in the knowledge that was what their diapers were .
At around 7 am Kyle was the first to wake. It took him a while to work out where he was. He was accutely aware that his diaper was wet. He was also aware that he needed to empty his bowels. As he strggled with his need Toby woke and kissed Kyle on the cheek. Taken aback Kyle sat up sharply.
“What's a matter Kylee” asked Toby.
“ I need to poop” replied Kyle, not noticing the femenine name toby had used.
“Do poo poo in your diapee” replied Toby.
“I can't” replied Kyle.
“I will show you” said Toby.
Toby sat up into a crouched position and proceeded to push poop into his sodden diaper. Satisfied with his accomplishment Toby told Kyle to try. Kyle proceeded to crouch and pushed. He was surprised how soon his diaper was being filled with poop. Toby clapped excitedly and told him how well he had done.
“Yes, Kyle well done”
Kyle turned to see Jessica standing at the doorway clapping with a smirk on her face. She asked if both boys had finished their poopies. Toby smiling confirmed he had and Kyle after prompting shook his head yes.
Both boys were lead downstairs to have breakfast sitting in their poopie diapers. After breakfast the boys were lead upstairs to be bathed and readied for the day. Jessica announced that they would be dropped off at ballet class whilst she and Mrs Mc Ferson would go shopping.
Chapter 5 - Ballet Class
Jessica took off both boys dirty diapers and dumped into the diaper pail in Toby's room. She then bathed them both in a lavender bubble bath. Once they were clean and smelling nice they were dried powdered and taken into Toby's room to be readied for ballet class.
First the boys were helped into Princess pullups. They were then helped into pink tights and a pink leotard with attached chiffon skirt. They wore lace ankles and Mary-Janes whilst being taken to the ballet class.
Jessica took both boys downstairs to Mrs Mc Ferson. “Oh don't you two look adorable”
Kyle was a bit taken aback being called adorable. Not a term he was used to, but he also liked it. Toby hugged Kyle and said “Your my best boyfriend”
Kyle started to cry as he was not used to being loved so much.
Soon it was time to set off to ballet class, so both boys held hands and skipped in front of Jessica on the way to their class. Kyle was still a little self conscious of his appearance out in public, but skipped with Toby. They got plenty of oohs and ahhs from passer byes aswell as teasing from other neighborhood boys.
Non too soon they arrived at the local ballet school and entered quickly. They went into the “boys” changing room and changed into ballet slippers and then sat together and waited for class to start.
As they waited Kyle was surprised to see a boy he knew all too well enter the room. It was Billy, the school bully. Only he was dressed in a sailor suit. It was white with white shorts under which he was wearing white tights with shiny patent Mary-Janes on his feet.
When Billy saw Kyle he went white as a sheet. He came over to Kyle and with a tear in his eye, pleaded with Kyle not to tell anyone at school. Kyle promised as long as Billy promised to protect him at school. Billy agreed and went over to his mom to get changed. As Kyle watched in amazement, Billy's mom removed his shorts and tights revealing that he was wearing girls ruffled panties. When Billy looked at Kyle, Kyle just smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Billy was then helped into Princess pullups, pink tights and pink leotard like Toby and kyle.
As Billy was changed two twin boys entered the room. Both were dressed I short kilts, white tights worn under white ruffled panties. They also had the laciest blouses Kyle had ever seen. They were helped to change. Both boys were diapered so their leotard and tights displayed a distinct bulge.
Once ready all the boys went to join the girls to start ballet class. Kyle soon picket up the basics and found he enjoyed the music and dancing to it. Billy was very good at the dancing and was very graceful. The girls loved seeing the sissy boys dancing and at the end of class they all curtsied and thanked their dance teacher. Toby had to show Kyle how to curtsy.
After changing back into their outdoor clothes Kyle and Toby were invited over to Billy's house for a sleepover the following week. The twins were also invited. Apparently it was going to be Billy's 10th birthday. Jessica said it was ok and that she would take the boys shopping for presents for him.
After leaving the ballet school they joined Ma Grayson to go shopping. Kyle chose some tights and new panties for Billy. The pack of panties were princess days of the week panties and the tights were delicate white ones. Toby got Billy a new pair of of blue satin shorts with matching jacket saying it would go nice with Kyles present.
They returned to Tobys home were Kyles mommy was waiting. Kyle did something he had not done in years. He ran to her and gave her the biggest hug with tears in his eyes. He said that he was sorry he had been mean to the girl in school and that he had been such a brat.
It was a special moment for them both as they returned home. Kyle loved his mommy and loved the attention he was now receiving.
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