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Subject: Re: Hi | |
Author: Heather | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 06:45:09 07/25/24 Thu >Hello I guess I'm the first one To post. Yay for me > >My name is Kerry and I'm 14 years old. I've posted on >a few other sites like this when I need somewhere to >vent about my spankings. When I am spanked I always >have to take all my clothes off. Most of the time it's >my stepdad that spanks me yeah thankfully he only uses >his hand. Sometimes I have to lay over his lab and >sometimes I have to bend over and put my hands on the >floor. I hate that because It feels like he can see >more of me when I am like that. He has spanked me two >times between my legs after I was caught lying about >where I was and they found out I was fooling around >with a boy. Both times he had my mom stay in the room >With us. > >I don't know what else To say but if anyone wants to >say hi or has any questions or watch to make me feel >better that would be O K with me Hi, Kerry. I'm 13 and like you I get my spankings without any of my clothes on, mostly from my stepdad, and I can't really talk about it with anyone I know in person. I am not as lucky as you are in how much my stepdad makes my spankings hurt. He uses a hairbrush and a small leather strap on me mostly on my wet bottom, and sometimes a belt. He puts water on my skin where he is going to correct me because that makes it hurt SO MUCH MORE! Every stroke makes me scream and afterwards I am completely drained and tired. I get hiccups a lot. I guess overall I am pretty lucky for a girl with a spanking a stepdad, though. He never makes me feel like there is anything sexual about me, or anything that isn't normal about my spankings. He has never touched my vulva or even brushed me there, and if I am in a position that exposes private parts of me I have never felt he is specifically looking there. I feel absolutely safe with him. My mom trusted him alone with my naked body since even before we moved in with him when I was 8. She does not watch or even stay within earshot of my spankings. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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