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Subject: Re: Answers to Mr. Spanking Coach's questions from Heather

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Date Posted: 09:25:35 08/05/24 Mon

I'm not familiar with these spanking positions: kitten, bird, strawberry, elbows and ouch. Please explain those in detail.

>>How are you positioned for your spankings? And how is
>>the water applied to your skin?
>Hi Mr. Spanking Coach. I am sorry it took so long to
>answer you're questions. I am not allowed on the web
>on my phone so I have to use the computer.
>My spanker always decides my position. My stepfather
>makes me do different positions during a spanking,
>usually at least three. His favorite position is
>kitten. Other ones he likes to have me in are
>strawberry, bird, elbows, and ouch. I have to be ready
>to put my body into any spanking position he chooses
>at any time, though, and if I miss one I will be
>spanked in that position.
>For water he usually just has a container and he will
>use his hand to put some water on me where he wants it
>and spread it around, or sometimes he will use a
>washcloth or a sponge. If I am on his lap he will make
>me lie on a towel in case he uses too much and it
>drips or anything. We have lots of towels everywhere
>because I am supposed to sit on a towel anyway if I
>don't have clothes on. If I am on the dinner table
>inside I get in position right on the wood and after
>my spanking I have to wash it off anyway so it doesn't
>matter if it gets a little wet while he spanks me.
>Sometimes before a spanking he makes me stand under
>the shower, or outside he will spray me all over with
>a hose.
>>>>Hello I guess I'm the first one To post. Yay for me
>>>>My name is Kerry and I'm 14 years old. I've posted
>>>>a few other sites like this when I need somewhere to
>>>>vent about my spankings. When I am spanked I always
>>>>have to take all my clothes off. Most of the time
>>>>my stepdad that spanks me yeah thankfully he only
>>>>his hand. Sometimes I have to lay over his lab and
>>>>sometimes I have to bend over and put my hands on
>>>>floor. I hate that because It feels like he can see
>>>>more of me when I am like that. He has spanked me
>>>>times between my legs after I was caught lying about
>>>>where I was and they found out I was fooling around
>>>>with a boy. Both times he had my mom stay in the
>>>>With us.
>>>>I don't know what else To say but if anyone wants to
>>>>say hi or has any questions or watch to make me feel
>>>>better that would be O K with me
>>>Hi, Kerry. I'm 13 and like you I get my spankings
>>>without any of my clothes on, mostly from my stepdad,
>>>and I can't really talk about it with anyone I know
>>>I am not as lucky as you are in how much my stepdad
>>>makes my spankings hurt. He uses a hairbrush and a
>>>small leather strap on me mostly on my wet bottom,
>>>sometimes a belt. He puts water on my skin where he
>>>going to correct me because that makes it hurt SO
>>>MORE! Every stroke makes me scream and afterwards I
>>>completely drained and tired. I get hiccups a lot.
>>>I guess overall I am pretty lucky for a girl with a
>>>spanking a stepdad, though. He never makes me feel
>>>like there is anything sexual about me, or anything
>>>that isn't normal about my spankings. He has never
>>>touched my vulva or even brushed me there, and if I
>>>in a position that exposes private parts of me I have
>>>never felt he is specifically looking there. I feel
>>>absolutely safe with him. My mom trusted him alone
>>>with my naked body since even before we moved in with
>>>him when I was 8. She does not watch or even stay
>>>within earshot of my spankings.

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